Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Feb 27, '13 11:25 AM
for everyone

As far as the purpose for Satan's creation, the Omnipotent Allah creates whatever He desires to. The raison d'ĂȘtre (hikmat) for creation of Satan requires a detailed discussion which will be out of place here. But, in a nutshell, the creation of Satan (and his ilk) is to test the felicity of the human beings. When men ward away the subterfuges of Satan, they heir a place in the Heaven and those who are misled by him, will be Hell bound!

Allah has ordered men to do charity. Satan asked people not to do charity lest their horde of wealth diminishes! Those who have wisdom and strong faith snub Satan and tell him,' Allah says:

Wa ma anfaqtum min shai in fahua yaqlaqhu wa huwa khair 
ur raazeqeen
Whatever you spend, We shall replenish. We are the Best of Providers.

If you are steadfast in determination and patience like a mountain, then wisdom and knowledge will take you to such a place that it becomes evident if you were irresolute, the Satanic fears would sway your feet! It is the existence of Satan that proves the felicity of men of piety and wisdom who are steadfast despite all the stratagems of the accursed one!


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