Thursday, 14 February 2013


Feb 9, '13 11:36 AM
for everyone

Difference Between Fruit Juice and Fruit Nectar

We all know that fruit juice is the fresh juice extracted from the pulp of fruits and we expect to get just that when we buy a bottle of cold drink labeled as a fruit drink. Those who have some knowledge of botany know that nectar is a sweet liquid secreted by flowers that attract pollinating insects. But in beverage industry, nectar has come to mean a type of non-carbonated soft drink made with fresh juice. It is differentiated with any drink that has been labeled as fruit juice by the industry as it is not 100% fruit juice, and can and does contain many other ingredients including water, sweeteners, and preservatives. There are no industry standards and so you can have a fruit nectar having fruit juice from anywhere in the range of 0-100%. Fruit juice on the other hand is a natural drink prepared by crushing the pulp of a fresh fruit. It contains no preservatives and flavors.

Difference Between Explore and Discover

You can't explore an island before you've discovered it.
You generally won't discover gold or oil unless you explore for it.

Basically, "explore" means to look for something (oil, gold), or look around (island) while "Discover" means to find something - uncover it.

Example:Captain Cook didn't discover Australia, the Dutch discovered it 170 years earlier. But Captian Cook explored its western coasts in great detail.

Difference Between Round, Circle and Eclipse

The shape of a closed curve with no sharp corners, such as an ellipse, circle or rounded rectangle etc.

Circle is type of Round whose have fixed radius.
It means that all circles are Round shape but not all Round shares are circle.
Like CD-Rom Circle Shape


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