Saturday, 15 December 2012


Dec 15, '12 11:49 AM
for everyone

The dying man is confused, because on one hand Satan (Shaitaan) with his companions tries hard to spoil his faith (Eeman), and on the other hand the thought of the arrival of the Angel of death makes him all the more puzzled. He wonders as to in what state would he (the Angel of death) come and how would his spirit be removed. The Commander of the faithful Ali (A.S.) says, "And when the signs of death approaches, he knows not what will befall him."

Shaikh Kulaini narrates from Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) who said that once Hazrat Ali (A.S.) was suffering from the ailment of the eye. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) came to inquire about his health. He saw that Ali (A.S.) was in intense pain and was restless because of it. The Prophet asked him, "Is this anxiety the outcome of the ailment"? Hazrat Ali (A.S.) replied that, "I had never witnessed such a pain before". The Holy Prophet (to console him) said "O Ali! when the Angel of death comes to take the spirit of the disbeliever,he brings along with him a club of fire, by which he removes his spirit and the flames of hell scream at the dying man".

The Commander of the believers sat upright and said, "O Prophet! Please explain to me the tradition (hadees), for I do not fell the pain anymore. Will the spirit of anyone from among your ummat be removed in the same manner"? 

The Holy Prophet replied, 'Yes, three types of persons from among my ummat too will be subjected to this punishment (1) An oppressive (Zalim) ruler, (2) Those who unjustly usurp the rights of orphans, and (3) The bearer of false witness".
Man due to difficulty or ease during death also sees the effects of his good or bad deeds which he committed. There are also some who turn apostates during death due to some of their bad deeds. "Then evil was the end of those who did evil, because they rejected the communications of Allah and used to mock them". (Surah-ar-Room : 10) It has also been narrated that during death (sakarat) or afterwards, the following persons should not be near the dying man: a woman in menses (Haiz) or Istahaza (irregular period), and a polluted (Junoob) person, because the Blessed Angels go away and the dying man falls in trouble. 

Shaikh Sadooq in his book Ilalush Sharaye' quotes Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) as saying, that woman in menses (Haiz) or a polluted person (Junoob) should not remain near the dying person, because the Angels feel disgusted because of it and go away.


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