Thursday, 13 December 2012


Dec 13, '12 9:18 AM
for everyone

We are discussing the rules of precaution from Zinaa. The four rules discussed previously were:
  1. Do not even go near to what will lead you to Zinaa. Lower your gazes from forbidden things.
  2. Do not be alone in the company of a Non-Mahram.
  3. Muslim women must observe Hijaab.
  4. When one attains puberty, one should get married.
Those who cannot marry early due to genuine reasons, have two options:
Temporary Abstinence:
“Let those who do not find means to marry abstain (from what is unlawful) until Allah, by His grace, give them means”. (24:33)
A man comes to the Holy Prophet (saw) and says: “I do not have the (financial) ability to marry; therefore, I have come to complain to you about my singleness”. The Holy Prophet (saw) adviced him on how to control his sexual urge by saying: “Leave the hair of your body (to grow) and fast continuously”. (Wasael)
Bodily hair is in reference to pubic, chest etc. Although there is no scientific evidence on this so far, according to this Hadeeth, there certainly appears to be some link between the growth of bodily hair and sexual urge. Imam Ali (as) has also said: “Whenever a person’s hair increases, his sexual desires have also decreased”. (Wasael)
As for fasting, it will strengthen the will power of the person and make it easier for him to restrain the sexual feelings.
Temporary Marriage:
According to the Fiqh of Shia’hs, marriage is of two kinds: Da-im and Munqate’ meaning: Permanent & Temporary. Both marriages have their rules and laws as discussed in the books on Jurisprudence by the Mujtahideen (Shia’h Islamic Jurists).
This type of marriage was practiced from the time of the Holy Prophet (saw) till the early days of the khilafah of ‘Umar ibnul-Khattab –the second caliph of the Muslims. Then ‘Umar banned it and made it Haraam. Needless to say, whether it is ‘Umar or anyone else, no one has any value infront of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah (tradition).
In conclusion, the message of Islam is very clear:
Marry on a permanent basis.
If not possible, adopt the path of temporary abstinence.
If not possible too, then opt for the temporary marriage system
(courtesy Mulla Mujaheedali Sheriff)


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