Thursday, 20 December 2012


Dec 20, '12 11:53 AM
for everyone

When the Meccans wanted to assassinate the Messenger of Allah in a plot  very well documented in history books, a man named al-Shaykh al-Najdi  appeared to them.  He, in fact, was none other than Iblis.  

Iblis had  taken the form of that man and came to the plotters with the suggestion to  select one man from each of the Meccan tribes for the execution of their  scheme so that Muhammad’s blood would be lost among them and Banu  Hashim, his clan, would simply be unable on its own to face all the other  tribes combined.  The kunya of that Najdi was “Abu  Murra.” Iblis, therefore, was named likewise. 

•  The jinns eat and drink, marry, and have their own social system.  Some of  them live for thousands of years, but there is no term set for Iblis and his  offspring; he and they shall live till the Day of Judgment. Such respite  granted to Iblis is referred to in verses such as these: 

He (Iblis) said: Lord! Grant me a respite till the time when they are raised (for  judgment).  He (Allah) said: So surely you are of the respited ones, till the period  of the time made known. (Qur’an, 15:36-38)

On rare occasions, however, Iblis offered sound advice to a select few, knowing  that he by no means could fool them.  He offered advice to Noah and Moses: 

•  When Nuh invoked his Lord to condemn his people and to inflict 
retribution upon them, Iblis came to him and said, O Nuh! Remember me  in three situations, for I am closer during them to any of the servants of  Allah:  Remember me when you are angry, and remember me when you  have to arbitrate between two contenders, and remember me when you  sit with a woman and nobody else is present with you.

•  When Nuh landed from the ark after the flood was over, Iblis came to him  and said, Nobody on the face of earth has done me a bigger favor than  you!  You invoked Allah against these sinners, so you relieved me from  having to deal with them.  Shall I, then,  teach you two merits?  Beware of  envy, for it did to me what it did.  And beware of avarice, for it did to  Adam what it did.

•  One of the pieces of advice Iblis offered Prophet Musa was the following: 
Whenever you contemplate upon offering charity, do  it immediately, for  whenever a servant of Allah contemplates upon paying something by 
way of charity, I, rather than any of my fellows, will keep him company 
in order to desist him from doing


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