Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Dec 18, '12 10:31 AM
for everyone

Prayers are not answered when they are either made with an insincere and neglectful heart, or the person's prayer is not addressed exclusively to Allah. The prayers of the persons strained with exploitation of others, transgression, and such bad deeds may also not be answered.
"Call upon your Lord humbly and secretly; surely He loves not those who exceed the limit." (7:55)
Sincerity of the heart is a fundamental condition for the acceptance of Du'as. The words being uttered by our mouth must be in harmony with the feelings emanating from our hearts. 
Imam as-Sadiq has said: "Verily, Allah does not answer the memorized prayer by a forgetful heart." (Uddat ad-Dai) Imam Ali has said: "Allah does not accept the prayer of an inattentive heart."
Imam as-Sadiq quotes the Holy Prophet as having said, "Allah informed one of his prophets in a revelation: 'By My Power and Dignity! Verily I shall change into despair the hope of everyone who hoped from other than Me, and I shall dress him with the clothing of disgrace before people, and I shall remove him from My relief and bounty. Does my servant put his hope in other than Me in hardships, while hardships are in My hand; And does he expect anything from other than Me, while I am the Self-sufficient, the Munificent? In My hand are the keys of the doors while they are closed; and My door is open for the one who calls on Me.'" (Uddat ad-Dai)
Du'as reinforce our faith, give direction to life, ease difficulties, raise spirits, alleviate the burden of sins, inspire for action with hope, and most importantly, connect us to Our Lord and increase our nearness with Him.


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