Sunday, 16 December 2012


Dec 16, '12 1:52 PM
for everyone

... it contains a warning against opposing Allah’s decree. The Commander of the Faithful ('a) has said, 'One who dawns depressed because of a worldly concern is actually angry with Allah’s destiny.’ (Nahjul-Balaghah, short pieces of wisdom, No. 228).
Al-Kafi cites Imam al-Sadiq ('a) saying that Imam al-Hasan ('a) son of Imam Ali ('a) met Abdullah ibn Ja`far and asked him,

'O Abdullah! How can a believer believe if he is angry with his lot, degrading his own status, while the One to judge him is Allah?! I guarantee for anyone who is pleased with his lot that when he supplicates to Allah, his supplication is answered.’ (Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, p. 51).

As regarding his saying, Allah accustomed you to see from Him goodness,

So measure accordingly what already has taken place,

..., it has the perfect contemplation on the beautiful things which Allah has for His servants, His great acts of kindness which, when a servant of Allah notices them, will cause him to realize on his own that Allah will not leave him by himself when catastrophes assault him. He will bestow upon him one of his acts of kindness whereby He brings what is dead to life and compensates for what is lost. This as well as the meaning before it are included in poetry attributed to our master Ali ('a) and cited in Misbah al-Shari`a as follows:

Pleased I am with what Allah allotted for me,

My affairs have I entrusted to the One Who created me,

Just as Allah was benevolent to me in the past,

So will He for what remains.


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