Sunday, 18 November 2012

Dec 30, '09 2:52 AM
for everyone

The best form of devotion to the service of Allah is not to make a show of it.

A fool's mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man's tongue is under the control of his mind
Sayings of Imam Ali Ibn 
Abu Talib (A.S.) The 1st Imam

The dearest among you is the one who has the
best character
(Prophet Mohamed pbuh)

Dec 29, '09 12:01 PM
for everyone
Dec 29, '09 10:58 AM
for everyone
 The Holy Prophet (swas) said: “There are thirty rights for each Muslim incumbent upon his believing brother.  He cannot be relieved from them unless he honors them or is forgiven by his brother.  They are as follows:

1.       He must forgive his brother’s faults
2.       He must be kind to his brother during hard times
3.       He must hide his brother’s secrets
4.       He must compensate for his brother’s faults
5.       He must accept his brother’s apologies
6.       He must defend his brother against those who gossip behind his back
7.       He must always advise his brother
8.       He mutt safeguard his brother’s friendship
9.       He must honor his brother’s covenant
10.  He must visit him when his brother gets ill
11.  He must attend his brother’s funeral procession
12.  He must accept his brother’s invitations
13.  He must return his brother’s favors
14.  He must be grateful for the blessings his brother enjoys
15.  He must try to help his brother
16.  He must guard his brother’s honor
17.  He must fulfill his brother’s needs
18.  He must intercede on behalf of his brother
19.  He must say ‘yarhamukumullah (Allah have mercy on you” when his brother sneezes
20.  He must guide his brother’s lost ones
21.  He must accept his brother’s gifts
22.  He must respond to his brother’s greetings
23.  He must welcome his brother’s words
24.  He must welcome his brother’s kindness
25.  He must accept his brother’s swearing
26.  He must like his brother’s friends
27.  He must not treat his brother with animosity
28.  He must help his brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed one.  (Helping the oppressor means to prevent him from acts of oppression; helping an oppressed means to help him get what is rightfully his)\
29.  He should not leave his brother alone in the face of calamities
30.  He must like for his brother whatever he likes for himself, and dislike for him whatever he dislikes for himself

(extracted from ' A Divine Perspective on Rights' for the benefits of the Momeneens)

Dec 28, '09 12:44 PM
for everyone
Attachment: Sermon of BibiFatima Zahra (SA).doc
Quotations about Imam Hussain by a few Non-Muslims intellectuals:
 Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870 was one of the most popular English Novelist of the Victorian Era as well as a vigorous social compaigner):

“If Husain had fought to quench his worldly desires…then I do not understand why his sister, wife, and children accompanied him. It stands to reason therefore, that he sacrificed purely for Islam.”

Dr. Rajendra Prasad ( 1884 - 1963 was the first President of India)

“The sacrifice of Imam Hussain is not limited to one country, or nation, but it is the hereditary state of the brotherhood of all mankind.”

Edward Gibbon (1737 – 1794 was an English historian and Member of Parliment.His most important work, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire):

“In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Hosein will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”
(The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London,1911, volume 5, p. 391-392)

Ignaz Goldziher (1850 - 1921often credited as Ignaz Goldziher, was a Hungarian orientalist, he is considered the founder of modern Islamic studies in Europe):

 “…Weeping and lamentation over the evils and persecutions suffered by the ‘Alid family, and mourning for its martyrs: these are things from which loyal supporters of the cause cannot cease. ‘More touching than the tears of the Shi’is’ has even become an Arabic proverb.” (Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law, Princeton, 1981, p.179)

Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948 was a major political and spiritual leader of India and the Sub Continent Independence movement):

“I learnd from Hussein how to achieve victory while being oppressed.”

Rabindranath Taguore (1861 – 1941 was a Bengali mystic, Brahmo poet, visual artist, playwright, novelist, and composer. He became Asia's first Nobel laureate when he won the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature)

“In order to keep alive justice and truth, instead of an army or weapons, success can be achieved by sacrificing lives, exactly what Imam Hussain did".

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson (1868 — 1945 was an eminent English orientalist, scholar of both Islamic literature and Islamic mysticism and widely regarded as one of the greatest Rumi scholar and translator in the English).

“Hussain fell, pierced by an arrow, and his brave followers were cut down beside him to the last man. Muhammadan tradition, which with rare exceptions is uniformly hostile to the Umayyad dynasty, regards Hussain as a martyr and Yazid as his murderer.”
[A Literary History of the Arabs, 
Cambridge, 1930, p197]

Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881 was a Scottish satirical writer, essayist and historian  whose work was highly influential during the Victorian era):

“The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Cerebella (Karbala) is that Husain and his companions were rigid believers in God. They illustrated that the numerical superiority does not count when it comes to the truth and the falsehood. The victory of Husain, despite his minority, marvels me!”

Who are Hussain and Yazid

The story of Imam Husain is that of victory of good over evil. Imam Husain was the grandson of the last prophet of God,Prophet Muhammad, son of Imam Ali and Fatima Al-Zahra and brother of Imam Hasan
Holy Prophet said,

"Husain is from me and I am from Husain. May God love whoever loves Husain." 

With the passing away of his brother Hasan, Husain became the leader of the household of the Holy Prophet  He respected the agreement of peace signed by Hasan and Muawiya, (than ruler of Ummayd dynasty) and, despite the urging of his followers, he did not undertake any activity that threatened the political status quo. Rather he continued with the responsibility of looking after the religious needs of the people and was recognised for his knowledge, piety and generosity. An example of the depth of his perception can be seen in his beautiful du'a (pray) on the day of Arafat, wherein he begins by explaining the qualities of God, saying:

" (Oh Allah) How could an argument be given about Your Existence by a being whose total and complete existence is in need of you? When did you ever disappear so that you might need an evidence and logic to lead (the people) towards You? And when did You ever become away and distant so that your signs and effects made the people get in touch with you? Blind be the eye which does not see You (whereas) You are observing him. What did the one who missed You find? And what does the one who finds You lack? Certainly, the one who got pleased and inclined toward other than You, came to nothingness (failed)"

On the other hand, we have Yazid grandson of Abu Sufyan, whose family fought whole life against Prophet Muhammad till their final defeat in Victory of Makah who showed his true colour by stating in a poem (when he was hitting lips of cutted head of Hussain by his stick in his court in front of his supporters)
 "Bani Hashim (family of Prophet Muhammad) had staged a play to obtain kingdom, there was neither any news from God nor any revelation." 
 Mu’awiya before his death declared Yazid as his successor but he failed to get support of Hussain.
Yazid gained power and support with a combination of ruthlessness, bribery and trickery. He demanded Imam Husain to submit to him or be killed. Imam Husain’s reply was that Yezid was an imposter and that Good can not submit to evil.As Husain himself remarked when he left Madina for the last time,

"I am not rising (against Yazid) as an insolent or an arrogant person, or a mischief-monger or tyrant. I have risen (against Yazid) as I seek to reform the Ummah (nation) of my grandfather. I wish to bid the good and forbid the evil." 

Battle of Karbala

Imam Husain and his family members and supporters were surrounded by Yezid’s army in the desert of "Karbala" and they were denied food and water for 3 days. They were attacked by an army of hundred of soldiers.Imam Husain’s supporters included infirm, elderly, teens, children and an infant 6 month old totaling less than 100. Hussain and all his male companion killed (except one of his son "Imam Zain ul Aabdeen and a wounded nephew) on the battlefield on the 10th of Muharram (first lunar month of Hijra calender) of 61 AH (equal to about 680 of georgian calender this is 2009 so about 1328 years back) . His head was removed from his body on the plains of Kerbala, mounted on a spear, their camps were looted and women and children were taken as prisoners.and paraded through villages and towns as it was taken to Damascus and presented at the court of Yazid.

Of the survivors, were his ailing son Ali (Imam Zain ul Aabdeen) and his sister Zainab. They were taken to Yazid’scourt in shackles and humiliated and faced execution. However, undaunted they bravely challenged Yezid to public debate and exposed his falsehood.This was a moral defeat of Yezid and his philosophy. The blood sacrifice of Husain and the bravado of his sister sparked a revolution which in a short period of time brought the downfall of Yazid’s evil rule.

 Why is Husain regarded as the "master of the martyrs" ? It is because he was not just the victim of an ambitious ruler. There is no doubt that the tragedy of Kerbala, when ascribed to the killers, is a criminal and terrible act. However when ascribed to Husain himself, it represents a conscious confrontation and a courageous resistance for a sacred cause. The whole nation had failed to stand up to Yazid so Imam Husain established the principle that truth must be safeguarded even if requires sacrificing everything including ones life. He showed us that truth will eventually prevail over falsehood even in the face of apparent helplessness and despair.

Dec 28, '09 8:20 AM
for everyone
Allah mentions weeping as a sign of true believers:
 ‘And when they hear what has been revelaed to the apostle,
you will see their eyes overflowing wih tears on account of truth.
There are many narrations about weeping for fear of Allah at mid-nights and dawns as related by Ahl al-Bayt.
Amir al-Mu’minin in the supplication of Kumaly, says:
My God! My Lord! My Master! My Protector! For which things would I complain to You and for which of them would I lament and weep?
Is it for the pain and severtity of chastisement or for the length and period of tribulation?
In Du a Abi-Hamzah thamali Immam Zaynal Abidin says:
“Why should I not cry? I am sad on acccount of my departing soul. I cry in fear of darkness of the grave.  I cry in dread of the narrowing walls inside the dugout hole.  I cry in in awe of the questioning Munkar and Nakir would direct at me. I cry over my plight when I will come out naked, in shame, from my grave loaded with burden on my back.”
One of the instances of weeping is to weep for the calamaties which have befallen Ahal-Bayt especially the master of he martyrs, Immam Husayn, which is considered as a prayer and has great rewards.  It is a cure for mental disturbances, preparation for repenetance, and a cause of Allah’s mercy:
Imam al-Ridha has said:
“One who remembers our calamaties and weeps for what has befallen us will have the same rank with us on the Day of Jugement. And one who reads our calamaties and weeps or makes others weep will not weep when all eyes are full of tears.
Addresing Immam Husayn Immam Ali said:
-         You are a lesson (of weeping) for every believer
-          Am I father?
-         Yes my son
Immam al-Sadiq has said:
Whoever remembers us and weeps, Allah will forgive his sins even if they are as much as foam of sea.
And further said:
A moment of sorrow for the injustcice done to us is like the glorification of Allah.  Sorrowing over us is as prayer and hiding our secrets is considered as holy war. (Al-Amali 115 H178)
If you wish to weep for anything weep for Husayn ibn Ali for heavens and the earth wept for him when he was slain.  If you weep for Husayn to the extent that your tears run on your cheek, Allah will forgive all your sins
One who remembers Husayn and weeps for him will be rewarded; and Allah is not content with anything less than Paradise for him.

Dec 28, '09 3:17 AM
for everyone
Useful tips from AL-QURAN.

Recite Surah Fajr  daily after Fajr prayer to have a blissful day

Recite Surah Waqiah daily to get rid of Financial problems

Recite Surah Al–Mulk daily to get rid of Azab-e-Kabr

Recite Surah Inshrah to t rid of difficulties of life

Recite Four Quls in the morning to be saved from any sort of magic & misery

Recite daily last 10 verses of Surah Al-Kahf (in the morning)

Recite daily verse # 35 of Surah Noor to have glowing face not only in this world but also in the hereafter.

Recite Surah Rehman (for any disease especially for eye problems)

Recite “YA HAFEEZO” 11 times after Fajr prayer Keep you safe and sound all day

Recite “YA NOOR” after every Namaz 11 times for this is for strong vision

Recite  “YA QAWIYOO” 11 times after Isha prayer for strong hair

Recite “Allahhu Al-Mussawiru Al-Maliku”  111 times after every namaz  for good skin
Recite “Allahhu Al-Bariu' Al-Kabiru”  313times after every namaz  for hair

Recite Surah Al-Fatiha & Surah Quraish , before eating n drinking anything  for good health

Recite YA-MUHSI...1000 times you will have easiness on Day of Judgment.

Recite YA-HAYY...often, for a long life

Recite YA-SAMMAD...often  and SWT will provide his needs & as a result he will not need others, but others will need him

Recite YA-AKHIR....often and you will lead a good life & have a good death

Recite YA-'AFUW...often and your sins will be forgiven
Recite YA-MANI....on reciting this you will have a good family life

Recite YA-RASHID.....recite this 1000 times between maghrib & Isha salat & your troubles will be cleared up 

Recite YA-MU'MIN...on recitation of this you'll be free from harm

Recite YA-GHAFFAR....your sins will be forgiven

Recite conquer the desires of the flesh & free the heart of worldly desires & gain inner peace... also be freed from being wronged

Recite YA-WAHHAB after every dua...your dua will be answered

Recite YA-'ALIM.....on reciting this, your heart will become luminous, revealing divine light

Recite YA-MU'IZZ.... 140 times on Monday & Friday nights, to gain dignity in the eyes of others & you will fear no one else but SWT

Recite YA-SAMI'.... 100 times without speaking to anyone on Thursday after the zuhr namaz & SWT will bestow any desire on you

Recite YA-BASIR... 100 times between wajib and the 1st sunnat of Friday Zuhr namaz. .you will get esteem in the eyes of others

Recite be freed from your dirty habits

Recite YA-AZIM...on reciting this you will be respected

Recite get esteem in this world and the hereafter

Recite YA-RAQIB... 7 times on oneself. Your family & property will be under SWT’s protection

Recite YA-BA'ITH....on reciting this as much as you can you will gain fear of SWT

Recite YA-MUHSI..... 1000 times for ease during questioning on Judgment day & repeats this name

Recite discipline children. Repeat this name into a glass of water & give to the child to drink.

 ***after ever wajib namaz recite....
1. “bismillah i rahaman i Rahim” 21 times
2.  the 4th kalima..10 times..every time we read it a tree is planted on our behalf in the jannah
3.  Salwaat....3 times
4.  Tasbee of Bibi to gives us strength & success in every good we do
5.  Surah fatiha…3times
6.  Ayatal kursi...3times
7.  Surah falaq...3times
8.  Surah naas...3timesfor protection from satan & any evil
9.  Recite "subhan allahil azeem wabi hamdihi" 100 times after the zuhr namaz on Friday for sins to be washed away
    ***anytime maghrib & before sleeping recite..
1. Surah sajadah
2. Surah  waqiyah
3. Surah mulk
4. Surah muzzamil
5. Surah kahaf.....this brings barqat & happiness in the house & protection from evil plans

***after namaz-e-fajr....recite
1.     Recite Surah Yaseen
2.     Recite “subhan allahi wabi hamdihi subhan allahil azeem”...100 times between sunnat and Wajib salaats...and 3times  after Wajib salaat.
May all of us attempt to recite the above for our own well being and happiness and success...ameen..!!!
(sent by sister Maraiam R. Jiwa)
Dec 28, '09 3:12 AM
for everyone
Thirty Lessons from Aashura 

         . 1) Align yourself with right no matter the cost. 
      2. Enjoin good and forbid evil.
      3. Love those who are good and befriend   yourself to them.
      4. Do not be friends with those who do evil, are cruel or are foolish. 
      5. When you love someone, you should feel their pain and mourn their tragedies. 
      6. The more you love someone, the more you will feel for them.
      7. You should love God and His messengers and guides more than you love yourself and your family. 
      8. There is nothing wrong with showing genuine emotion in response to oppression in public. 
      9. We should all fight oppression with whatever we have.
    10. There is more than one way to fight; pick the one that suits the circumstances. Ask those who are wise about the right way. 
    11. Ask those who are wise about everything and follow them. 
    12. A follower should not only incline to his leader and listen to him, but reform his actions to be in accordance with his leaders. If he really loves him, he will work hard to avoid anything contrary to his leader's teachings. If he does not really love him, he is a hypocrite and offers lip service but will fail a rest test if it comes.

    13. If people let the memory of injustice fade, it is easier for tyrants to carry it out again. 

    14. God protects His message so that we may know it.

    15. Godly people make great sacrifices for God's cause.

    16. The right often lies with the few rather than the many. Don't be afraid to be a minority. 

    17. Hijab is precious. Family is precious. Brave, loving men are precious. Women who speak up when necessary are precious. 

    18. Nothing is more precious than God.

    19. The 
jihad of men and women is different, but we must all practice patience, forbearance, and willingness to forgive someone who is truly sorry. 

    20. The length of your life as a Muslim is less important than what you do with that time. It is better to die at the pinnacle of your faith than to live another moment on its decline. We should dedicate ourselves to the cause of God and increasing our faith. 

    21. Prayer is so important that even on a battlefield you must keep it.

    22. Young and old alike can do great things or terrible things.

    23. God has a plan.

    24. Thirst is terrible. Do not anyone or thing go thirsty while you have the power to prevent it. When you drink, remember those who died thirsty because people 
    prevented them from having it.

    25. Silence or inaction can be VERY evil. You can be guilty without committing the action by letting it happen or deluding yourself that you can do nothing about it.

    26. It is our duty to become educated and aware as much as possible. Ignorance is not bliss, it is sin if it is preventable.

    27. We must be sensitive and compassionate toward the suffering of others. It is wrong to celebrate in the face of another's tragedy. 

    28. Do not let differences divide what the love of God can unite. Ashura is an occasion to be united in love of God and God's messengers and guides.

    29. The one who sides with God can never be hopeless and the one who sides against God can never have hope. 

    30. The unrighteous seek to deceive or intimidated others to be in their ranks. Do not be deceived or intimidated.

(sent by sister Mariam R. jiva)
[DRAFT] Dec 28, '09 3:05 AM
for everyone
Dec 28, '09 2:53 AM
for everyone
Dec 26, '09 4:56 AM
for everyone
Dec 25, '09 11:31 AM
for everyone
Dec 24, '09 11:35 AM
for everyone

ALSO DO PLS VISIT SITE OF Brother ABU THAR HALWAJI  who has finest voice I have ever heard.

Dec 24, '09 11:26 AM
for everyone

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983. From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which  conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?

To this Arthur Ashe replied: The world over -- 5 million children start playing tennis, 50 thousand learn to play tennis, 5 thousand learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?". And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?"

Happiness keeps u Sweet, Trials keep u Strong, Sorrow keeps u Human, Failure Keeps u Humble, Success keeps u Glowing, But only God Keeps u Going.....

Dec 24, '09 11:09 AM
for everyone


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