(WASHINGTON DC -- April 13, 2010) The Islamic Information Center will be holding a congressional briefing at the U.S. Capitol on the dire situation unfolding in Bahrain on April 27, 2010IIC is calling upon all community members to attend and support this event. Groups such as Human Rights Watch (HRW), the Tom Lantos Commission for Human Rights (TLCHR) and Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) will testify before Congressional members on the persecution of civilian Shias by the government of Bahrain. This hearing will be chaired by U.S. Congresswoman Donna Edwards, of the 4th District of Maryland, who has been a consistent champion of human rights worldwide. 

The government of Bahrain, which officially refers to itself as the "Kingdom of Bahrain", is ruled by a constitutional monarchyconsisting of the Al Khalifa family. The overwhelming majority of the country are Shia Muslims; however, the ruling caste is Sunni and maintains power through brutal oppression, torture tactics, persecution and subjugation of the Shia majority. According to ADHRB, the government of Bahrain has spent more than seven million dollars in a lobbying and worldwide media campaign to hide their crimes from the general public, even going to the extent of modifying Wikipedia entries to project a falsely positive image of Bahrain to encourage tourism.

This systematic governmental abuse has reached unprecedented levels.

According to the 2009 Human Rights Report compiled by the U.S.Department of State

"Citizens did not have the right to change their government. The government restricted civil liberties, including freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, and some religious practices.Domestic violence against women and children persisted, as did discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, nationality, and sect, especially against the Shia majority population...

The government controlled and provided funding to official religious institutions, including Shia and Sunni mosques, Shia ma'tams, Shia and Sunni waqfs (religious endowments), and the religious courts. New mosques depended on the government's nontransparent land allocation process. Allocation reportedly was not proportionate to the Shia community's relative population in the country...
Government and societal discrimination against the majority Shia population remained a problem. Sunnis received preference for employment in sensitive government positions and in the managerial ranks of the civil service. The defense and internal security forces were also predominantly Sunni...

Furthermore, the report states that Shia children are obligated to attend "religious" schools which are based exclusively on the teachings of government sponsored sects and groups. 

IIC needs YOUR help in showing the United States Governmentthat such abuses of power are not acceptable, and that it should hold the Bahraini government responsible for correcting their actions and allowing democracy to prevail in Bahrain.  For more information contact us at info@islamicinformationcenter.org
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