TRIBUTE- Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S

Shahadat of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S
Name: Muhammad
Famous Alqaab: Taqi, Jawad, Murtuza
Kunyat: Abu-Jafar
Fathers name: Hazrat Imam Ali Raza A.S
Mothers name: Janabe Sabeeka or Khizran
Wiladat: 10th Rajab 195 A.H
Shahadat: 29th Zilqaad 220 A.H
Buried:Kazmain(Jawadain)-I raq
Our 9th Imam A.S was only 5 years old when he was seperated from His Holy father Imam Ali Raza A.S and in 203 A.H the 8th Imam was martyred by Mamoon Rashid and from here the Imamate was proceeded through the 9th Imam A.S
Mamoon Rashid who was the ruler at that time in Baghdad thought that now when Imam Ali Raza had been martyred he should call for His holy son from Madina.His aim from the beginning was to appoint the 8th Imam A.S as his heirapparent and try to tempt the holy Imam with his worldly power and wealth. Of course Mamoon had not realized that worldly wealth lays down the feet of the holy Imams. What an unwise act. But did he give up? No , he continued with his vicious plans. Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S was forced to leave the holy city of Madina and arrived in Baghdad. Day by day when Mamoon witnessed the excellent character and the Divine knowledge of this young Imam he was forced to admit that no one were superior than Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S in His lifetime. Mamoon offered the Imam to sit next to him on the throne.
Lots of sessions were hold by Mamoon just to put the Imam on trial.Many Ulema from around the world attended and who all evidently failed against the grandson of Imam Ali A.S. Mamoon Rashid's next plan was to marry his daughter Ummul-Fazl with the holy Imam. At the age of 13 the holy Imam was married to her.But she was so disobediant and always complained to her father through her letters.But Mamoon did not pay attention to her complaining and sent her letters back.
Mamoon Rashid's main point marrying his daughter to the Imam was only that he wanted the holy progeny of the Holy Prophet S.A.W to continue through his offspring.But our 10th Imam A.S was born through Imam Muhammad Taqi's(A.S) second wife Janabe Somaana Khatoon(who was from the tribe of Ammar-e-Yasir). 4 children were born through this pious lady: two sons( Imam Ali-Naqi A.S and Moosa-e-Mobarraqa) and two daughters(Fatema & Amama).
When Mamoon died in 218 A.H his daughter Ummul-Fazl continued with her complaining but now turned herself to her uncle Mo´tasim Billah who came to the throne after Mamoon. He came to be sympathetic to her and called the Imam back from Madina to Baghdad again. Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S never returned to Madina and was martyred in Baghdad in 220 A.H . Mo´tasim martyred the holy Imam with poison by the assistance of Ummul-Fazl.
The funeral prayer was conducted by Imam Ali Naqi A.S , the holy son of the 9th Imam A.S who miraculously came from Madina to Baghad. Imam Muhammad Taqi lived the shortest life of all Aimma when he was martyred at the age of 25. He was buried next to his grandfather Imam Musa-Ibne-Jafar A.S , that's why the shrines are named Kazmain and also Jawadain. Peace be upon our 9th Imam A.S. And at last on this sorrowful occasion our condolences are offered to our Living Imam A.S. May Allah hasten His rearrival. Ameen. —
—Name: Muhammad
Famous Alqaab: Taqi, Jawad, Murtuza
Kunyat: Abu-Jafar
Fathers name: Hazrat Imam Ali Raza A.S
Mothers name: Janabe Sabeeka or Khizran
Wiladat: 10th Rajab 195 A.H
Shahadat: 29th Zilqaad 220 A.H
Our 9th Imam A.S was only 5 years old when he was seperated from His Holy father Imam Ali Raza A.S and in 203 A.H the 8th Imam was martyred by Mamoon Rashid and from here the Imamate was proceeded through the 9th Imam A.S
Mamoon Rashid who was the ruler at that time in Baghdad thought that now when Imam Ali Raza had been martyred he should call for His holy son from Madina.His aim from the beginning was to appoint the 8th Imam A.S as his heirapparent and try to tempt the holy Imam with his worldly power and wealth. Of course Mamoon had not realized that worldly wealth lays down the feet of the holy Imams. What an unwise act. But did he give up? No , he continued with his vicious plans. Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S was forced to leave the holy city of Madina and arrived in Baghdad. Day by day when Mamoon witnessed the excellent character and the Divine knowledge of this young Imam he was forced to admit that no one were superior than Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S in His lifetime. Mamoon offered the Imam to sit next to him on the throne.
Lots of sessions were hold by Mamoon just to put the Imam on trial.Many Ulema from around the world attended and who all evidently failed against the grandson of Imam Ali A.S. Mamoon Rashid's next plan was to marry his daughter Ummul-Fazl with the holy Imam. At the age of 13 the holy Imam was married to her.But she was so disobediant and always complained to her father through her letters.But Mamoon did not pay attention to her complaining and sent her letters back.
Mamoon Rashid's main point marrying his daughter to the Imam was only that he wanted the holy progeny of the Holy Prophet S.A.W to continue through his offspring.But our 10th Imam A.S was born through Imam Muhammad Taqi's(A.S) second wife Janabe Somaana Khatoon(who was from the tribe of Ammar-e-Yasir). 4 children were born through this pious lady: two sons( Imam Ali-Naqi A.S and Moosa-e-Mobarraqa) and two daughters(Fatema & Amama).
When Mamoon died in 218 A.H his daughter Ummul-Fazl continued with her complaining but now turned herself to her uncle Mo´tasim Billah who came to the throne after Mamoon. He came to be sympathetic to her and called the Imam back from Madina to Baghdad again. Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S never returned to Madina and was martyred in Baghdad in 220 A.H . Mo´tasim martyred the holy Imam with poison by the assistance of Ummul-Fazl.
The funeral prayer was conducted by Imam Ali Naqi A.S , the holy son of the 9th Imam A.S who miraculously came from Madina to Baghad. Imam Muhammad Taqi lived the shortest life of all Aimma when he was martyred at the age of 25. He was buried next to his grandfather Imam Musa-Ibne-Jafar A.S , that's why the shrines are named Kazmain and also Jawadain. Peace be upon our 9th Imam A.S. And at last on this sorrowful occasion our condolences are offered to our Living Imam A.S. May Allah hasten His rearrival. Ameen. —
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