1 - Haaris along with his father Mugheerah asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.): What was the admonition will of Luqman to his son? He said: There were wonderful matters in that will and the most astonishing of all was that he told to his son: Fear Allah in such a way that if you bring forth all the good deeds of the human beings and the jinns, yet He will punish you and so also be so much hopeful of Him that even if you bring forth all the evils sins of men and jinns He will be kind to you. Then said: my father said: There is no Faithful salve unless there are two lights in his soul: Light of fear and Light of hope is such proportion that if this one is weight it not be heavier and if that is weighed it too will not be heavier.
2 -Hasan bin Abi Surah says: I heard from Imam Sadiq (a.s.): A faithful really does not become a faithful until he is both fearful and hopeful and he is not fearful and hopeful unless he acts in accordance with that fear and hope.
3 - It has been recorded from Imam Sadiq (a.s.): There is a group of people who commit sin and then say we are hopeful of of Gods Mercy and they entertain the same belief till their death and they do unto repent. Then said: These are liars; they are not hopeful of God and they do not fear His punishment, because, if a man is hopeful of something he seeks it and if one fears something he runs away from it.
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