Thursday, 18 October 2012

Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a a few reminders

Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a a few reminders

1. Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a: Whether or not it is wãjib?
During the ghaybat (Occultation) of the Present Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.), the Friday Prayer is wãjib
What does “wãjib takhiyri” mean? It means that you have a choice between two obligatory deeds: you must do one of them, you cannot miss both.
In our case, it means that you have the duty of doing either the Noon Prayer or the Friday Prayer.
However, it is preferable to do the Friday Prayer. And when you do the Friday Prayer, then you will do it with the niyyat of wãjib; and after that you do not have to recite the Zuhr Prayer.
2. On Whom is Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a Wãjib?
The Friday Prayer, in its wãjib takhiyri form, is wãjib upon the men who are resident of that city, in good health, and not elderly.
The Friday Prayer is not wãjib upon the women, the traveler, the sick, and the elderly. HOWEVER, this does not mean that they are not allowed to participate in the Friday Prayer; it only means that they are exempted from participating in the Friday Prayer.
Considering the Friday Prayer as the most important weekly religious event in a non-Muslim country, it is preferable for the women, the traveler, and the elderly to participate in the Friday Prayer provided it does not cause any inconvenience to them.
The niyyat for these exempted people will still be the niyyat of wãjib when they participate in the Friday Prayer; and they do not have to say the Zuhr after it.
3. Friday Prayer led by a Sunni Imam.
If there is no Shi‘a centre or mosque near your home or work-place, then you can participate in the Friday Prayer led by a Sunni imam. However, in this case, you will also have to recite the Zuhr Prayer after it. One of the conditions for the imam of jamã‘at, in Shi‘a fiqh, is that the imam must be ‘ãdil (of
upright character) and Shi‘a Ithnã-‘Ashari.
4. What If I Missed the Khutbas before Jum‘a?
The two khutbas (sermons) delivered by the imam of jum‘a are essential parts of the Friday Prayer ceremony. The audience is required to listen to the khutba, and not engage in any other activity, not even doing the nãfila/sunnat prayer.
However, if a person missed the khutbas, he or she can still join the Friday Prayer and it will be considered sufficient.
5. Discipline & Order
Remain silent when the imam is reciting the surahs. Straighten up the rows of jamã‘at. Do not recite the zikr so loud that the imam hears them. Hasten in filling the gaps when the iqamah is being recited.
Do not go into the ruku or sujud before the imam.

(courtesy: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi)


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