Tuesday, 18 September 2012


We all know that one of the most important factors of Islam's advancement was the perfect conduct of the Prophet of Islam (SAW). This fact is stated in the Glorious Qur'an where Allah Says:

"And had you been rough, hard-hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around you." (3:159)

The Prophet of Allah (SAW) treated all people equally. His deep and indescribable love for humanity was perfectly manifested in his angelic being. He attended to all Muslim's needs equally.

"And the Messenger of Allah (SAW) divided his moments between his companions; he would attend to this and attend to that equally." (Rawdha  Al-Kafi, p.268)

The Prophet (SAW) also condemned ill-nature; he repeatedly said:

"Ill-nature is evil, and the worst of you are those who are ill-natured." (Nahjul-Fasahah, p.371)

He also said:

"O sons of Abdul-Muttalib, surely you will not be able to satisfy people with your money, therefore, meet them with cheerful faces and joyful conduct." (Wasail Ash-Shi'a, vol.2, p.222)

Anas ibn Malik (Prophet's servant), used to say when he remembered his (Prophet's) excellent traits:

"I have served the Prophet (SAW) for ten years; during this time he has never said, `woe' (as if complaining) to me, regardless of what I did or did not do." (Fada'il Al-Khamsah, vol.1, p.119)

Furthermore, good conduct and cheerfulness are the factors that prolong life. Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (AS) said in this regard: "Kindness and good manners make land flourish and prolong lives." (Wasail Ash-Shi'a, vol.2, p.221)

Dr. Sanderson has written this on the subject:

"Kindness is an important factor in treating and preventing illness. Most medication result in unwanted side effects along with a temporary cure while kindness causes everlasting cures to all parts of the body... kindness moves all powers of the body. Blood circulation in those who enjoy good manners is excellent, and their breathing is better...." (Pirozi Fikr)

There is a beautiful point in Imam As-Sadiq's (AS) statement. He says that there is a direct relationship between kindness and good manners and stated that they are among the factors that prolong life. The reason behind this is that kind people enjoy a sense of happiness and satisfaction, thus, both kindness and good manners have the same desired effects. He also considered these traits elements for achieving happiness, when he said:

"Part of man's happiness is his good manners." (Mustadrak Al-Wasail, vol.2, p.83)

Samuel Smiles added on the same topic:

"Good manners and emotional balance have their effects on man's development and happiness just like other powers and instincts do. As a matter of fact, individuals' happiness is greatly related to their affections and good manners." (Akhlaq)

In addition, good manners make life easier and increase subsistence and harmony. Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) in this regard, said:

"Good manners bestow subsistence lavishly and make friends (more) intimate." (Ghurar Al-Hekam, p. 279)

The Honorable Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

"The most important traits which will lead my nation to Paradise are fear of Allah and good manners." (Wasail Al-Shia', vol.2, p.221)



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