Sunday, 9 September 2012


1.       The love of this world and the next cannot come together in the heart of a believer, like water and fire in a single vessel."  -P. Jesus (Bihar al-anwar, xiv, 327)

 2.       Children of Israel! Do not grieve over what you lose of this world, just as the people of this world do not grieve over what they lose of their religion, when they gain this world of theirs.' " (Bihar al-anwar, xiv, 304; al-Kafi. ii, 127) - Jesus

 3.       Work like the man who imagines that he will never die; and be cautious like him who knows he is going to die tomorrow. - Holy Prophet (saws)  

 4.       Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company. Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha)

 5.       To render relief to the distressed and to help the oppressed make amends for great sins.Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha)

 6.       I wonder at the arrogance of a haughty and vain person. Yesterday he was only a drop of semen and tomorrow he will turn into a corpse. Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha)

 7.       A person not trapped in chains of wish & desire & contented with what Allah has bestowed on him, is wealthy in true sense. - Imam Hussain (as)

 8.       To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell. - Imam Hussain(as) (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 245)

 9.       If you don't believe in any religion and don't fear the Resurrection Day, at least be free in this world. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 45, P. 51)

 10.   Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth. Imam Hussain(as)  (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 127)

 11.   Should poverty , illness , and death not exist , man would not bow to anything. Imam Hussain(as) (Nozhatol Nadher wa Tanbeehel Al - Khatir , P. 80)

 12.   The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to revenge. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)

 13.   Best of wealth is that with which one protects his fame and dignity. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44 , P. 195)

 14.   Death with dignity is better than life with humility Imam Hussain(as) - (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44 , P. 192)

 15.   Endure difficulties when you walk on a divine path , and resist the temptation of worldly pleasures. Imam Hussain(as) -  (Nozhatol - Nadher wa Tanbihol - Khater , P. 85)



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