Sunday, 3 March 2013

Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize

Mar 3, '13 11:18 AM
for everyone

Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize
And your cure is within, yet you do not see
You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity
Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe
You are the clear book, through whose letters
All that is secret is revealed and made known.
So you have no need for anything outside of you
Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know

"I wonder at the man who sees people dying around him and yet he has forgotten his end"

(Imam Ali (as))

"Learn from Ali how to fight
without your ego participating.
God's lion did nothing
that didn't originate
from his deep center.
I am God's Lion, not the lion of passion....
I have no longing
except for the One.
When a wind of personal reaction comes,
I do not go along with it.
There are many winds full of anger,
and lust and greed. They move the rubbish around,
but the solid mountain of our true nature stays where it's always been." 
(Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi)


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