Monday, 11 March 2013


Mar 7, '13 11:48 AM
for everyone

The recital of ”Allahu akbar” has been customary not only in prayer but rather in many affairs and situations. During the early period of Islam the Muslims used to recite the takbir both in times of prosperity and adversity. 

For example:

1. During the Battle of the Trench {khandaq}, the Muslims came across a firm rock while they were digging the trench. The pick was broken but not the rock. The Prophet (PBUH) came and crushed the rock with a blow. The Muslims recited the takbir in unison and right there the Prophet (PBUH) said: ”I saw the fall of the Byzantine and the Persian castles in the sparks and sparkles of the rocks.”

2. During the Battle of Siffin, ‘Ali (S.A)used to recite the takbir whenever he slew an enemy. By counting the number of takbirs, the Muslims would know the number of those whom he had sent to hellfire.

3. On the night when Fatimah az-Zahra (S.A)was sent to the house of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (S.A)(after the wedding), 70 thousand angels came down to chant the takbir.

4. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited 40 takbirs over the body of Fatimah bint al-Asad (mother of Imam ‘Ali (A.S) and 70 takbirs over the body of his uncle Hamzah.

5. During the Hajj rituals, it is mustahabb to recite takbir with every stone that is thrown at the representations of Satan.

6. In the Tasbihat Hadrat Fatimah az-Zahra (S.A)whose reward is equivalent to a thousand rak‘ahs of mustahabb prayers, 34 takbirs are included.

7. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born, the first sentence he was able to utter was ”Mubarakahu Allahu akbar” {Blessed is He; Allah is greater}.

8. We read in the traditions: ”Whenever a certain thing astonishes you, recite the takbir.”

9 When Mecca fell into the hands of the Muslims, the Prophet (PBUH) entered the Masjid al-Haram, pointed to the Hajar al-Aswad {Black Stone}, and recited the takbir. The Muslims also recited the same takbir which brought fear into the hearts of the polytheists.

10. During the Battle of Uhud, one of the leading warriors amog the infidels asked for a challenger. Hadrat ‘Ali (S.A)came forward and he dealt the enemy such a heavy blow that the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims recited the takbir with a loud voice.

11. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S): ”Whenever you look at the crescent {hilal} or the mirror, or you encounter a problem, say takbir three times.”

12. ”Allahu akbar” was the slogan of Zayd, son of Imam as-Sajjad (A.S), who revolted against the ‘Umayyad rule.

13. During the Battle of Badr, the Prophet (PBUH) was awaiting the news of the death of Nawfal, one of the enemy chiefs. When he (PBUH) was informed that Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S)had slain Nawfal, the Prophet (PBUH) recited the takbir.

14. When Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S)came to propose for Hadrat Zahra (S.A), the Prophet (PBUH) said: ”You wait. I have to refer the matter to my daughter Fatimah. But when she was consulted, Hadrat Zahra (S.A)remained silent and did not say anything. The Prophet said: ”Allahu akbar! Sukutuha iqraruha” {Allah is greater! Her silence is her approval}.

15. During the battle against the Khawarij (Kharijites), when their commander perished, Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S)recited takbir and performed prostration, and all the people recited takbir.

16. A group of Jews embraced Islam and they said to the Prophet (PBUH): ”The previous prophets had successors. Who is the executor of your will {wasi}?” At this juncture, the following Verse of Guardianship {ayah al-wilayah} was revealed:

”Your guardian is only Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the zakat while bowing down.”

The Prophet (PBUH) said, ”Let us go to the mosque.” When they arrived, they saw a beggar who was glad because Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S)while in the state of ruku‘ in prayer had given him his ring. At that moment the Prophet (PBUH) recited takbir.

17. Recital of takbir at the time of entering into the holy shrines of the infallible Imams has been enjoined. Similarly, before reading Ziyarat Jami‘ah, we recite 100 takbirs in three stages. According to the late Majlisi, the reason for all these takbirs is perhaps for us not to indulge in extremism {ghuluww} with regard to the Imams (A.S) as described in the sentences contained in the Ziyarat Jami‘ah.

18. In his judgments, whenever Hadrat ‘Ali (S.A)identified the criminal, he would recite takbir.

19. Maytham at-Tammar was hung at the order of ‘Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad and then attacked with spears for the crime of siding with Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S). At the moment of his martyrdom, he was reciting takbir while the blood flowed from his mouth.

20. During the ascension {mi‘raj}, the Prophet recited takbir at every heaven he passed by.

21. Jibra’il (Archangel Gabriel) (A.S)was beside the Prophet (PBUH) when Hadrat ‘Ali (A.S)came in. Jibra’il (A.S)said: ”O Muhammad! By God who appointed you as the Prophet! Compared to the dwellers of the earth, the inhabitants of the heavens are better and more familiar with this ‘Ali. Whenever he recites takbir in the battles, we angels recite it along with him.”

22. During the Battle of Khaybar, when the Muslims entered the fortress, they recited the takbir so much that the Jews had to flee.


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