Thursday, 14 February 2013

ACT UPON FOLLOWING AND ..................

Feb 10, '13 12:54 PM
for everyone

Our master, Imam al-Hasan ('a) son of Imam Ali ('a), taught one Shi`ah man about the world of dreams. He told him that he could get close to Ahl al-Bayt ('a) and become able to see them (in his visions) whenever he wished if he acted upon the following verses:

Shy away from your worry,

All matters are rendered to destiny;

What is tight may become wide,

And what is wide may become tight,

The outcome of something incurring your ire

May indeed bring you in the end a pleasing desire.

Allah causes whatever He does will

So do not object to His will:

Allah accustomed you to see from Him goodness,

So measure accordingly what already has taken place.

By my life, these verses contain a cure for every ailment were one to act upon them, and their zenith is being pleased with what Allah decrees:

'And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but persons of the greatest good fortune.’ (Qur’an, 41:35).

These sacred verses, coming from the fountainhead of wisdom and the personification of infallibility, contain guidance as to how one can attain such a high status. 

Among such guidance is that one must shy away from his worries, for this is one of the greatest preludes to attaining such a status. Worries spoil the heart the most. A heart occupied by worries turns away from its Lord, becomes distracted from Him, Glory to Him, because of its worries and griefs. Thus, the heart is done injustice by distracting it from its Maker. The body will, therefore, collapse, and one may fall very seriously ill, leading to its damage and annihilation.


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