The Work Al-Amali The Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid.
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1. Registering Good Deeds
Abu Ja'far Muhammad al-Baqir, peace be upon him, reported from his father that: "Surely, the Angel appointed to the servant (of Allah) records (everything) in his books of deeds. So, register a good deed at its beginning and at its end, (so that) Allah may forgive you that which transpires in between."
2. Helping a needy Momin
Imam Zainul Abideen Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, said:"He who feeds a hungry Mo'min, Allah will feed him from the fruits of Paradise; and he who quenches the thirst of a Mo'min, Allah will slacken his thirst from the pure, sealed nectar (on the day of reward). And he who clothes a Mo'min, Allah will clothe him with green brocade (of heaven), and he will remain under the protection of Allah, Most High, as long as a thread of that cloth remains upon him (i.e. the Mo'min whom he clothed)."
3. The Place of Ali (AS)
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said:"O Abu Hamza, do not place Ali (A.S.) below the level to which Allah has raised him, and do not elevate him above the level where Allah has kept him. It is enough (excellence) for Ali that he is the one who fought the apostates and he is the one who will pair off the inmates of Paradise."
4. Four Habits from the treasures of Virtue
Abu Abdillah al-Sadiq, Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, who reported from his father and grandfather, peace be upon them, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Four (habits) are from the (hidden) treasures of virtue: to keep silent about one's needs, one's charity, one's indisposition and one's adversity."
5. Dying with the love of Ali (AS)
Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib (A.S.) said:The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, held my hand and said: "Whoever dutifully performed the five (daily) prayers, and then died with your love in his heart, he will have redeemed his pledge. And whoever died with hatred for you, died a death of ignorance (i.e. the era before Islam), though he will account for his deeds as ordained by Islam. And he who lives after you, with your love in his heart, Allah will end his life with security and faith, till he arrives near me at the Pool."
6. The most beloved steps by a Mo'min
Ali b. al-Husain Zainul Abideen (A.S.) that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:"The most beloved steps in Allah's estimation are two: one taken by a Mo'min to fill the rank in the way of Allah, another taken by a Mo'min to mend the relations with a blood relative who had cut off. And the most worthy swallows in His estimation are two: the swallow of anger by a Mo'min while reacting to provocation with gentleness, and swallow of sadness and anxiety, giving a patient response to the trying times. And the most beloved droplets in His estimation are two: a drop of blood spilled in the way of Allah, and a drop of tears shed in the darkness of night, fearing Allah."
7.Reconciliation among people’
Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:"The charity best loved by Allah is to bring about reconciliation among people when they are divided by friction and to bring them closer to each other when they have moved apart."
8. Love of Ahlul Bait leads to Paradise
Al-Husain b. Ali, peace be upon him, that the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said:
"Remain steadfast on our love, the Ahlul bayt. For he who meets Allah with our love, will enter the Paradise with our intercession. By He Who controls my soul, a servant (of Allah) does not benefit from his deeds except by knowing us (and our stature)."
9. Adam, Noah, Ibrahim & Ali (AS)
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar b. Salim has reported to me from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Isa al-Ajaly, who reported from Masood b. Yahya al-Nahdi, who reported from Sharik, from Abu Ishaq, from his father that:
Once when the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, was sitting with a group of his companions, Ali b. Abi Talib approached near him. Then the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Whoever wishes to look at Adam in his image and nobility, at Noah in his wisdom, at Ibrahim in his forbearance, he should look at Ali b. Abi Talib."
10. On Ahlul Bait
And with the same chain of narration, it is reported from Abul Qasim, Muhammad b.Ali, Ibn al-Hanafiyya, that the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said:
"He who does not have mercy on our young ones, and shows no reverence to our old ones and does not recognize our rights, is not from us."
11. Supplicate constantly
Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad (A.S.) said:
"Be supplicating constantly, for there is nothing like it to take you nearer (to Allah). And do not avoid asking for small matters because of its smallness, for the provider of the small is also the provider of the big."
12. Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said:
"Surely, Allah does not withdraw knowledge from the people by erasing it from their minds; rather, He does so by taking away the learned people (from among them). And when there is no learned man around, people adopt the ignorant men as their leaders, and refer their questions to these (ignorant leaders), who answer without any knowledge, thus going astray, and causing others to go astray."
13. When the Angel came to greet Ali (AS)
He said: Abu Hafs Umar b. Muhammad al-Sayrafi reported to me from Muhammad b. ldress who reported from al-Hasan b. Atiyyah who reported from a man called Israeel, from Maysarah b. Habib, from al-Minhal , from Dharr b. Jaysh, from Huzaifah who said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, (once) said to me: "Did you see the person who presented himself to me?" I said: "Yes, O messenger of Allah." He said: "He was an angel who had never descended before this. He sought permission from Allah, Most High, to greet Ali; he was granted permission and then greeted him. And he gave me glad news that al-Hasan and al-Husain are the masters of the youths of Paradise, and Fatimah is the leading lady of all the women in Paradise."
14. Refraining from fault finding
Abu Ja'far or Abu Abdillah (AS) said:"When a servant of Allah befriends someone, under the pretense of religion, with a motive to find out his drawbacks and errors, so that he would then taunt that man, he draws himself closest to becoming an infidel."'
15. When sins multiply
Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, said:
"When the sins of a servant of Allah multiply and grow in number, and he has nothing to expiate his sins with, Allah tests him with sorrow and grief, and thus expiate his sins."
16. The Inner self
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi has reported to me from Abul Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Muhammad b. Salim al-Azadi, from Musa b. al-Qasim, from Muhammad b. Imran al-Bijilli who said:
I heard Abu Abdillah (AS) say: "Whoever has not been blessed by Allah with an admonishing innerself, he can derive no benefit from the admonitions of the people."
17. The status of the seeker
Muhammad b. Ja'far b. Muhammad, from his father, who reported from his grandfather that:
The Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), said: "A learned man among the ignorant people is like a living person among the dead. And everything, including the fish, the poisonous vermins, the wild beasts and the cattle pray for the forgiveness of the one who seeks knowledge. So, seek knowledge, for surely, it is a conducive mean between you and Allah, Most High. And surely, seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim."
18. A deed performed with taqwa
Abu Abdillah (AS) that:Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, said: "A deed when performed with Taqwa (i.e. being mindful of one's duties towards Allah, and guarding oneself from sins for the fear of Allah) is not (of) less (importance). And how can that be less which has been accepted (by Allah)?"
19.Helping Ahlul Bait with one's tongue
a) al-Husain b. Zayd from Ja'far b. Muhammad (AS) from his father (AS) who said:
"Whoever helped us with his tongue, against our enemy, Allah will let him speak out his argument when he will stand before Him (i.e. on the Day of Judgement)."
b 0 al-Hasan b. Ali (AS) said:
"He who loves us with his heart, and helps us with his hands and tongue, will be with us (in Paradise) at the same lodging. And he who loves us with his heart and helps us with his tongue will be at a lower level. And he who loves us with his heart, but does not put his hand and tongue to use for us, he will be in Paradise." (i.e. in an ordinary station).
20. Illness purifies a person of his sins
Abdullah b. Muhammad b. Aqil. b. Abi Talib who said:I heard Ali b. al-Husain, Zainul Abedeen (AS) say: "A nerve (of a Mo'min) does not twitch, nor does he have a headache except because of his sins. And that which Allah forgives is much more." And whenever he saw a sick person having recovered, he would say: "May the purification from the sins do you good! Now start (good) deeds all over again
21. Two types of manly virtues
He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain reported to me from Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. al-Waleed, who reported from Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Saffar, from Ya'qoob b. Yazeed, from Ibn Abi Umayr, from more than one source, that:
Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad (AS) said: "Manly virtues are of two types; one in the hometown and another when you are travelling. As for the virtue in the hometown, it is to recite from the Qur'an, to attend the mosques, to keep in company of good people, and to ponder over religious injunctions. And when travelling, the virtue consists of offering ones provision generously to the fellow travellers, to be cheerful without indulging in jokes which Allah dislikes, to avoid, as much as you can, going against the wishes of your companions, and not to report on them after having parted their company
22. Alms given early morning...
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi reported to me from Abul Abbas b.Muhammad b. Saeed, who reported from Ja'far b. Abdillah, who reported from his brother Muhammad b. Abdillah, who reported from Ishaq b. Ja'far b. Muhammad, from Muhammad b. Hilal al-Mazhaji, who said:
Your father Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Sadiq (AS) told me: "When you are in (financial) need, rise early in the day, for the subsistence (Rizq) is distributed before sunrise. And Allah, Most High, has blessed this Ummah in its early hours; and give away alms in the early hour; because adversities do not follow the alms (Sadaqah)."
23. "My brothers are those who believe in me without ever having seen me" said the Prophet (SAW)
He said: Abu Hafs Umar b. Muhammad reported to me from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Ja'far al-Hasani who reported from Abu Musa Isa b. Mahran, who reported from Abu Yashkur al-Balkhi, who reported from Musa b. Ubaidah, from Muhammad b. Ka'b al-Qurzi, from Awf b. Malik, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, once said: "How eager am I to meet my brothers." So Abu Bakr and Umar said: "Are we not your brothers? We have believed in you, and migrated with you." The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "No doubt, you have believed and migrated, yet I am eager to meet my brothers." Then he repeated the statement. Then he said: "You are my companions. But my brothers are those who will come after you have gone. They will believe in me, love me, help me, and confirm me - without ever having seen me. How I wish to meet my brothers!"
24. Benevolence & Tyranny
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Benevolence is a good turn, earning the quickest reward, and tyranny is an evil, earning quickest requital. Enough for ones blemish that one should see faults in others while condoning the same faults in oneself; or scoff at the others for an act from which he himself cannot abstain, and hurt ones companion in matters with which one has no concern."
25.Weeping for ones sins
He said: 'Abul Hasan Ahmad b. Muhammd b. al-Hasan reported to me from Abdullah b. Ja'far al-Himyari, who reported from Ahmad b. Muhammad, from Ali b. al-Hakam, from Hisham b. Salim from Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: "Blessed is he whom Allah finds weeping because of his sins, trembling in awe of Allah; weeping over the sins about which no one knows except himself."
26. The first to enter Paradise
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali al-Baqir through his forefathers that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: "Paradise remains forbidden for the Prophets till I have entered in it, and remains forbidden for all the peoples till the Shias of us, Ahlul Bait have entered
27. Surprise at the heedless
He said: Abul Hasan Muhammad B. Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Kufi al-Nahwi al-Tamimi reported to me from Hisham b. Yunus al-Nahshali, who reported to me from Yahya b. Ya'la, from Hameed al-A'raj, from Abdullah b. al-Harith, from Abdullah b. Masood that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "I am surprised at the heedless person who is not without survelance; I am surprised at the one chasing the world, while death chases him; I am surprised at a person having a loud, hearty laugh, while he does not know whether Allah is pleased with him or is displeased."
28. The Love of Ali (a.s.)
He said: Abul Hasan Muhammad b. Ja'far reported to me from Hisham b. Yunus al-Nahshali, who reported from Abu Muhammad al-Ansari, who reported from Abu Bakr b. Ayyash, from Muhammad b. Shihab al-Zuhari, from Anas b. Malik, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, looked at Ali b. Abi Talib (AS) and said: "O Ali, whoever hates you, Allah shall cause him to die the death of infidels, and on the day of Judgement, will ask him to account for his deeds also
29. Befriending for the sake of Allah
The Prophet peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Those who befriend each other for the sake of Allah, Most High, shall be resting on the pillars of ruby in the Paradise, supervising the inmates of Paradise. Whenever one of them comes forth, his splendour shall fill the houses of the people of Paradise. Then the people of the Paradise shall say: 'Let us out so that we can have a glimpse of those who befriended each other for the pleasure of Allah.' He said: "Then they will be brought out to see them. One of them will have a face like the full moon, and on their foreheads will be written: These are the people befriending each other for the sake of Allah!"
30.The four virtues of the people of Paradise
Musa b. Ja'far reported from his father through his forefathers, peace be upon them all, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Whoever has four virtues, Allah shall write his name among the people of Paradise: One who saves oneself by testifying that there is no god but Allah and that I, Muhammad am His Messenger; and one who says: Praise be to Allah, when blessed with any bounty from Him; and one who says: I seek forgiveness from Allah, for the sin committed; and one when afflicted by any calamity, says: To Him we belong, and unto Him shall we return."
31. Who are those devotees?
He said: Abu Ubaidullah Muhammad b. Imran al-Marzbani reported to me from Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Katib, who reported from Ahmad b. Abu Khaithamah, who reported from Abdullah b. Dahir, from al-A'amash, from Abayah al-Asadi from Ibn Abbas - may Allah bless him with mercy, who said:
Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Ali Talib, peace be upon him, was asked about the verse in the Qu'ran: 'Surely, Allah's devotees shall have no fear, neither shall they grieve.' (Yunus V:62). He was asked: "Who are those devotees?" So, Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, said: "They are the ones who have purified themselves in His worship and have an eye on the inner core of this world while people regard its exterior; and so they have recognized its future while others have been deceived by its transitory benefits. They have forsaken all that which they know will someday forsake them and have caused to die all that they know will one day kill them."
Then he said: "O he who has distracted himself with this world and jumped at its traps, working busily to build up that which will soon be destroyed by it. Did you not see your forefathers, who are down decomposing and your descendants, thrown under the stone and earth? How you tried to treat them and cure them with your hands? The doctors prescribed for them and the relatives prayed for them. But reliance upon you, did not help them and your medicines did not have any effect upon them."
32. "Today, it is deed and no account; tomorrow, it will be account and no deeds."
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi reported to me from al-Fadhl b. al-Habbab al-Jamhiy, who reported from Muslim b. Abdillah al-Basriy, who reported from his father, who reported from Muhammad b. Abdul Rahman al-Nahdiy, who reported from Sha'bah, from Salemah b. Kuhayl, from Habbah al-Araniy who said:
I heard Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, say: "I fear for you about two things: long ambitions and the submission to base desire. As for the long ambitions, they cause you to forget the next world; and as for obedience to your desires, they prevent you from (following) the Truth. Surely, this world passes with its back turned to you, and the next world arrives facing you. And they both have their sons. So, be the sons of the next world and do not be the sons of this world. For today, it is (your) deed and no account; and tomorrow, it will be account (for your acts) and no deeds."
33. Evil consequences of three traits one will see before death
Abu Ja'far al-Baqir Muhammad b. Ali, peace be upon him, said: "It is recorded in the book of Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him: three traits are such that whoever possess them, would not die before seeing their evil consequences: injustice, breaking off with blood (womb) relations and false oath." And the quickest way to earning a reward (from Allah) is to mend the relations with your kith and kin; for these are people who transgress, but when they mend their relations with each other, their wealth grows and they become rich. And false oaths and breaking off from one's relatives turn the villages into the wastelands.
And may Allah bless our master Muhammad and his progeny, with peace and salutaions
34.O Ali . . . your enemies are the army of Satan
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi reported to me on Monday, when five days of Shaban remained, in the year 353, from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Abdillah b. Ali b. al-Husain b. Zayd b. Ali b. Al-Husain b. Ali Abi Talib (peace be upon him) who said: It was related to me by al-Ridha Ali b. Musa from his father Musa b. Ja'far, from his father Ja'far b. Muhammad, from his father Muhammad b. Ali, from his father Ali b. al-Husain, from his father al-Husain b. Ali from his father Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abu Talib, Peace be upon them all, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: "O Ali! With you (all) has Allah begun this matter (i.e. Imamat) and with you (all) shall He end it. So remain patient, for the good end is for those who guard against evil, fearing Allha. You are the army of Allah, and your enemies are the army of Satan. Blessed is he who obeys you and woe unto those who oppose you. You are the divine authority over His creation and the strong rope (of Allah). Whoever adheres to it finds true guidance, and whoever discards it, goes astray. I beseech Allah to grant you Paradise; no one precedes you in your absolute obedience to Allah, and therefore, you are worthier for it."
45.Earning an answered supplication
Once, Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him heard someone abusing Qambar, and Qambar was about to answer back. So, Amirul Mo'mineen Ali, peace be upon him, called out to Qambar: "Take it easy O, Qambar! Leave the one who abuses you to be ashamed of himself, so that Allah is pleased and Satan is resentful and your adversary is punished. For, By He Who, split the grain and created the breathing man, nothing from a believer pleases His Sustainer better than forbearance; and nothing makes Satan more indignant than the silence; and the fool is best punished when totally ignored."
46. Be like a honeybee among the birds
Amirul Mo'mineen, Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, told his followers: Be among people like a honeybee among the birds. For every quality that a bird has (like flight and speed), it considers the bee as weak; but if the birds know what blessings the bees carry in their stomach, they would not have treated them such. Mix up with the people with your tongues and your bodies (i.e. in appearance), but disassociate from them with your hearts and your deeds. Every soul shall have what it earns, and on the Day of Judgement, he will be with the one he loved."
47.Establish prayers on time
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Whoever is carefully concerned about (praying at) the exact hours of the daily prayers and about the rising and the setting (hours) of the sun, I guarantee for him peace at the time of death, relieved of all the griefs and anxieties, and salvation from the hell fire. Sometimes back, we were minding the camels, now we mind the sun."
48.Fear of Allah . . . a great security
Once, a man from Ansar fell ill, and the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, visited him when he was about to die. He (the Prophet) said: "How do you find yourself?" He said: "I see myself hopeful of my Master's mercy, fearfully concerned about my sins." So the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "On occasion like this, these two do not combine in a believer's heart, except that Allah grants him his hope and secures him from what he fears."
49.The poor shall enter the Paradise first
Abu Ja'far, peace be upon him, said: "The poor faithfuls shall be moving about in the gardens of Paradise for forty years before the rich faithfuls reach there." Then he said: "I will give you an example. It is just like two ships passing by a tax collector. He sees one and finds nothing in it, so he allows it to pass by swiftly. Then he looks into the other, and finds it loaded fully. So he stops it."
50. Do not pry on the faults of the believers and do not revile the Muslims
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "O those who have submitted with their tongues, but their faith has not reached their hearts, do not pry on the faults of the believers and do not revile the Muslims. Surely, he who goes in search for the faults of the believers, Allah will pry on his faults; and when Allah does that, He exposes him in the inner most part of his house."
51.Believer's tears in the fear of Allah
Abu Ja'far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said: "There is no eye that gets filled with tears due to the fear of Allah, except that Allah saves its whole body from hell fire; and the cheeks upon which the tears stream down, shall have neither gloom nor disgrace overspreading the face; and every good deed has a fixed weight and reward, except the tears which flow due to the fear of Allah, for with every drop, Allah shall put out oceans of fire of the Day of Judgement. Surely, when one person among a group of Muslim people (i.e. Ummah) weeps with the fear of Allah, He blesses that whole Ummah with mercy because of that believer's tears."
52. The two most firm bonds of faith
Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Sadiq, peace be upon him said: "Among the most firm bonds of faith is that you love for the sake of Allah, and hate for the sake of Allah. And you give away for the sake of Allah, and refuse to give for the sake of Allah."
53.Ask me before you miss me. . ." Ali (AS)
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Bilal al-Mahlabi reported to me from Ali b. Abdillah b. Asad al-Isfehani, who reported from Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from al-Qannad, who reported from Ali b. Hashim, from his father, from Saeed b. al-Musayyib who said:
I heard Amirul Mo'mineen Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, say: "There is no verse between the two covers of the Qur'an, except that I know for whom it was revealed and when it was revealed, and whether on a plain, levelled land or upon a mountain. Surely, here in my breast is abundant knowledge! So, put your questions to me before you do not find me among yourselves, for when you have lost me, you will not find anyone uttering the words I utter."
54. No good is too much, no evil too little
I heard Abul Hasan Musa b. Ja'far, peace be upon him, say: "Do not regard your good deeds as too many, and do not consider your sins as too few. Surely, sometimes those little lapses gather together to become many. And be mindful (fearful) of Allah, Most High, in your privacy, so that you are granted to treat yourselves justly. And hasten towards obedience to Allah, and be truthful in your speech, and return the deposits held by you to the rightful owner. These traits are good for you; and do not get involved in things which are not legitimate for they will do you harm!"
55. Quickest evil consequences
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "The quickest evil consequence is for a man to whom you do a good turn and he pays you back by evil deeds; and a man with whom you have entered into a covenant wishing to fulfil it, while he intends to deceive you; and a person to who you are not insolent, but he persists in his insolence against you; and a person with whom you mend your blood relationship but he cuts you off."
56. Avoid being vulgar
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Whenever there is any vulgarity in any affair, it does not leave it without being tarnished; and whenever there is bashfulness in any matter, it does not leave it without being adorned."
57. Seek provision from halaal
Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad (peace be upon him) told me: "Do not abandon seeking your subsistence from its legitimate sources, for that helps you remain on your faith. And fasten your camel (first), and then entrust (it to) Allah."'
58. When prayers are not blessed
Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "Allah does not bless the prayers with acceptance from three persons: From a slave who has escaped from his masters, till he returns and places his hand in their hands; from an Imam who leads people (in prayers) while they hate him; from a wife who passes a night while her husband is displeased with her."
59. Weeping for the sufferings of Ahlul Bait
I heard Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, say: "Whoever sheds a tear over our spilled blood, or over our usurped rights, or over the dishonour we have suffered, or any of our followers has suffered, such a person shall be blessed by Allah, Most High, in paradise for a long period of time."
60.Never humiliate . . .
Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, asked me: "O Ishaq, how do you dispose of the zakat or your wealth, when ready?" I said: "People come to my house and I give them." He said: "I find that you are humiliating the believers. Be cautious! For Allah says: Whoever humiliates my righteous servants, he has indeed prepared himself to confront me."
61.Al-Sadiq (AS) explains momin's experience after death
I was with Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, when discussion about a Mo'min and his rights took place. Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, turned to me and said: "O Abu al-Fadhl, may I not tell you about the status of a Mo'min in the estimation of Allah?" I said: "Yes, do enlighten me, may I be your ransom!"
He said: "When a Mo'min dies, his soul is taken up to the heaven by its angels, who say: O Sustainer, here is Your servant and what a good servant!" Allah Almighty says: "Descend to the earth near his grave and continue to laud and magnify My name, confirming My Oneness and My Greatness and write the reward for My servant till I resurrect him from his grave."
Then he said: "May I tell you more?" I said: "Yes." He said: "When Allah will resurrect a believer from his grave, together with him will be an image who will lead him. Whenever the believer will see anything frightful from the frightful aspects of the Day of Judgement, the image will solace him by saying: 'Do not be anxious, nor distressed. Have good tidings and honour from Allah, Most High.' And it continues to give tidings of delight and honour, till he stands before Allah to account for his deeds; and he shall have a lenient reckoning. Then He orders him to enter the Paradise, with the image in front of him. Then the believer shall say to the image: 'May Allah bless you with mercy, you have been a good company emanating from my grave, giving me good tidings of delight and honour from Allah, Most High; till it transpired to be that way. So, who are you?' The image will say: 'I am the delight and joy, which you caused to your believing brother on earth. Allah has created me thus from that gesture, so that I may give you good tidings.'"
62. The best virtues
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, in his address to the people, said: "May I not inform you about the best virtues in this world and the next? (They are): to forgive one who wronged you, to make amends with the kins who severed relations with you, to oblige one who harmed you, to give to one who refused you. And (remember), hatred and mutual enmity is a remover, and I do not mean a remover (shaver) of hair; but a remover of faith."
63.Enjoin good and forbid evil
And wilt the preceding chains of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from Ali b. Hadeed, from Ali b. al-No'man, from Ibn Maskan, from Dawood b. Farqad, from Abu Saeed al-Zohari, from one the two (Imams), peace be upon them, who said:
"Woe to the people who do not make it their habit to enjoin good and forbid evil." And then he said: "Whoever professes 'there is no God but Allah, his utterance does not enter the kingdom of Heaven, till it is supplemented by one good deed. And he who seeks to be godly while lending strength to the untruth, such a man has no religion. Similarly, he who is subservient to a tyrant, has no religion." Then he said: "Every community has been distracted by rivalry for worldly gain and abundance, till they visited the graves."
64. Beware of Allah's dominance
I heard Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, say: "Beware of the dominant power of Allah, during the night and during the day." I asked: "What is that dominant power?" He said: "When He seizes you for the sins."
65. Living with the believers and non-believers
And with the preceding chains of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from al-Hasan b. Mahboob, from Muhammad b. Sinan, from al-Husain b. Mas'ab, from Sa'd b. Turaif, from:
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali, peace be upon both, who said: "(Even) if you meet a hypocrite, talk to him agreeably, and if you meet a believer, then your love for him should be sincere. And (even) if a Jew sits next to you, treat him well."
66. Convey the knowledge of fiqh
And with the preceding chains of narration, from Ali b. Mahzyar, from Muhammad b. Ismail, from Mansur b. Yunus, from Abu Khalid al-Qammat, from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon both, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, addressed the people at Mina, saying: "May Allah bless the servant who heard my utterances and heeded them; and conveyed to those who had not heard them. How often a person carries knowledge without he himself being learned about it, and how often does a man carry knowledge to the one who knows better than him!
There are three things over which a Mo'min's heart will never commit a breach of the trust: Purifying the deeds solely for the sake of Allah; following the Imams of the Muslims faithfully and remaining steadfast in their groups. Their call itself protects them from all sides. The believers are brothers to each other, defending their blood; and they act as one, single hand against the enemies. And even the smallest of them tries best to fulfil his responsibility."
66.Avoid fame
And with the foregoing chains of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from Ibn Abi Najran, from al-Hasan b. Bahr, from Furat b. Ahnaf, from one of the companions of Amirul Mo'mineen, Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, who said:
"Be among the commoner, inconspicuous people and do not make yourself noticeable; conceal yourself so that you are neither mentioned nor known. Guard your secret, maintain silence and you will remain in peace." Then he pointed towards his chest and said: "Thus, you will please the virtuous and raise the anger of the impious."
67. Be ready to forgive
And with the first chain of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from al-Hasan b. Ali b. Faddhal, who said:
I heard Abul Hassan (i.e. Ali b. Musa al-Ridha) peace be upon him say:
"Never did the two warring factions meet to fight except that Allah helped the one which is more forgiving."
68. Man knows best of himself
He said: Abul Hasan Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Hasan reported to me from his father, from Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Saffar, from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from Yunus b. Abdul Rahman, from Muhammad b. Yaseen, who said:
I heard Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon both, say: "No benefit is derived by a slave of Allah who makes a show of being good, while inwardly he is vicious and evil. Does his inner self not tell him that he is not what he pretends to be? And (also), Allah, Most High, says (in the Qu'ran): 'Rather, man has a keen insight of himself' (Ch.75:V.14). Surely, when the inner self of a person is reformed, his external self gains strength."
May Allah bless our master Muhammad, the Prophet of Makkan origin and upon his pure progeny, and salutations.
89. Do not waste your time idly
He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain reported to me from Muhammad b. Ali Majeelawayah, who reported from Ali b. Ibrahim, from his father, from Muhammad b. Abu Umair, from Muawiyah b. Ammar, that:
Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, said: There was an idle man in Madinah whose jokes caused laughter among the people. Once, pointing at Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, he said: "This man has indeed fatigued me, for nothing from my talks makes him laugh. I must do some contrivance to make him laugh."
Then one day, as Ali b. al-Husain, peace be upon him, was passing by, accompanied by his two attendants, that jester came and pulled his (Ali b. al-Husain's) cloak from behind his back. The attendants followed and retrieved the cloak from him and laid it back on Ali b. al-Husain's shoulders, while he was quite composed, his glance cast on the ground.
Then he asked his attendants: "Who is he?" They said: "He is an idle jester, causes people of Madinah to laugh by his pranks and jokes, and thus earn his livelihood."
He said: "Tell him: 'Woe unto you! For Allah, there is a fixed Day on which the idle, vain doers will be in loss."
And may Allah bless our master Muhammad and his progeny, and send unto him salutations.
90. Three great sins
He said: Abu Fahs Umar b. Muhammad b. Ali al-Zayyat reported to me from Ubaidullah b. Ja'far b. Muhammad b. A'ayan, who reported from Mas'ar b. Yahya al-Nahdiy, who reported from Sharik b. Abdillah al-Qadhi, who reported from Abu Ishaq al-Hamdaniy, from his father, from Amirul Mo'mineen, Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Three sins lead to immediate punishment and are not deferred till hereafter:- incurring displeasure of the parents, tyranny over the people, and denying the divine bounties (by abusing them)."
91. Hatred of Ahlul Bait leads to hell
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi reported to me from Abdul Karim ibn Muhammad, who reported from Sahl b. Zanjalah al-Razi, who reported from ibn Abi Uways, who reported from his father, who reported from Hamid b. Qais, from Ata from Ibn Abbas, who reported that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "O Children of Abdul Muttalib! I have beseeched Allah to convert the ignorant among you into learned men, and to make you steadfast in your stand, and to guide those of you who are gone astray; and to make you brave, generous and kind. By Allah, if a person were to offer prayers between al-Rukn and al-Maqam (around holy Ka'bah), but at the same time die with hatred towards you, O Ahlul Bait, such a person will enter hellfire."
92.A Hyprocrite
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Khalid al-Maraghi reported to me from Abul Qasim al-Hasan b. Ali, from Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Marwan, from his father who reported from Ahmad b. Isa, who reported from Muhammad b. Ja'far, from his father Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, from his forefathers, peace be upon them all, who said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Two traits never go together in a hypocrite: the (true) learning about Islam, and the distinct feature (of nobility) in the face."
May Allah bless our master Muhammad and his progeny.
93.Your brother is your responsibility
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Muhammad al-Katib reported to me from Abul Qasim Yahya b. Zakariyya al-Katanji, who reported from Abu Hashim Dawood b. al-Qasim al-Ja'fari, may Allah bless him with mercy, who said:
I heard al-Ridha Ali b. Musa saying: Once Amirul Mo'mineen, peace be upon him, told Kumail b. Ziyad during his discourse: "Your brother is your religion (his welfare is your religious responsibility) so be cautious of your religion in what you desire (for him)."
And all praise for Allah, the Lord of the Universe. And may Allah bless our master Muhammad and his progeny.
94 .Ali's love . . . an obligation
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "O people, love Ali because his flesh is my flesh, his blood is my blood. May Allah curse those people who have reneged from the covenant with me about him, and forgotten my parting counsel about him; and they have no share (of blessings) from Allah."
95.People will be called by their mother's names
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said to Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him: "May I not give you glad news? May I not award you?" He said: "Yes, O messenger of Allah." He (i.e. the Prophet) said: "Surely, I and you are created from one clay, and from what remained, our Shias were created. When the Day of Reckoning will dawn, all people will be called by their mother's names, except your Shias, who will be called by the names of their fathers, confirming their legitimacy."
96. The most helpless man
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "The most helpless person is the one who renders himself unable to supplicate (to Allah), and the most niggardly is the one who is miserly with greeting in salaam."
97.Hope from none but Allah
Ali b. Muhammad al-Qasani, from al-Isfehani, from al-Minqari, from Hafs b. Ghiyath al-Qadhi, who said:
I heard Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, say: "When anyone of you wishes that Allah grants him whatever he asks for, then he should despair of receiving anything from men; and he should pin hope on none but Allah, Most High. When Allah knows that from his heart, He grants him all his wishes." He said: "Take account of yourselves (by introspection) before you are called upon to do so, for the place on the Day of Resurrection has fifty stations, each one has a stay of one thousand years." Then he recited the verse: '... one day the duration of which is fifty thousand years.' (70:4).
98.Refrain from Jealousy
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, one day said to his companions: "Be it known that an evil from the bygone people has crept into you, and that is envy and jealousy. It does not shave off the hair, it shaves off the faith. A man can save himself from that if one controls his hands, spares his speech and does not slander his Mo'min brother."
And may Allah bless our master, Muhammad, the Prophet and his pure progeny.
99.Allah hates a person who is unsteady and fickle
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Ahmad b. Ibrahim al-Katib reported to me from Abu Ali Muhammad b. Hammam al-Iskafi, who reported from Abdullah b. Ja'far al-Himyari, who reported from Ahmad b. Abu Abdillah al-Barqi, who reported from al-Qasim b. Yahya, from his grandfather al-Hasan b. Rashid, from Muhammad b. Muslim who reported that:
Abu Abdillah peace be upon him, said: "Be it known to you that Allah hates a person who is unsteady and fickle. Never slip away from the truth and its partisans. Whoever, rules and oppresses with the aid of untruth, and his people shall perish, and shall lose (all that he may have gained from) this world, and leave the world low and humbled."
100.Illness purifies a person of his sins
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar b. Salim al-Je'abi reported to me from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Hasani, who reported from al-Fadl b. al-Qasim, who reported from his father, from his grandfather, who reported from his father, that Abdullah b. Muhammad b. Aqil. b. Abi Talib who said:
I heard Ali b. al-Husain, Zainul Abedeen (AS) say: "A nerve (of a Mo'min) does not twitch, nor does he have a headache except because of his sins. And that which Allah forgives is much more." And whenever he saw a sick person having recovered, he would say: "May the purification from the sins do you good! Now start (good) deeds all over again."
Adopting ignorant leaders
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar al-Je'abi reported from Abdullah b. Ishaq, who reported from Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Baghvi, who reported from Abu Qatan, who reported from Hisham al-Dastwai, from Yahya b. Abu Katheer, from Urwah, from Abdullah b. Umar that the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said:
"Surely, Allah does not withdraw knowledge from the people by erasing it from their minds; rather, He does so by taking away the learned people (from among them). And when there is no learned man around, people adopt the ignorant men as their leaders, and refer their questions to these (ignorant leaders), who answer without any knowledge, thus going astray, and causing others to go astray."
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