Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Seven Rights of a Believer:

Jan 5, '13 12:21 PM
for everyone

In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There are seven rights for any believer that are incumbent upon other believers to honor. All seven are obligatory. If you do not honor any of these rights, you have left the domain of divine friendship and God's servitude."

He was asked what these seven rights were. He replied:

"The simplest right is that you should like for them what you
like for yourself, and dislike for them what you dislike for yourself.

The second right is that you must assist them in fulfilling their needs and please them and not act against their words.

The third right is that you must use your property, wealth, tongue, hands and feet to assist them.

The fourth right is that you must be like their eyes, their guide, their mirror, and their clothing.

The sixth right is that if you have a wife and a servant, and your (believing) brother does not, you must send your maid to his house to wash his clothes, prepare his food and make ready his bed.
These are all established duties between you and him.

The seventh right is that you must accept his oath, go to visit him if he gets ill, and make all efforts to fulfill his needs.  You should not let him beg you for help, but immediately fulfill his needs.

Once you do this, you tie his friendship and yours together, and tie your friendship to God's friendship."


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