Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Jan 15, '13 12:55 PM
for everyone

Muslims probably do not have enough reason to advocate one over the other in the name of Islam (meaning that it is stretching it a bit too far to claim that "non-organic" doesn't meet Halal standards). Muslims should focus more on those principles which are certain to be Islamic guidelines. In the matters of food and drink, it would be more spiritually conducive for Muslims not only to evaluate what they eat, but why and how much they eat as well.

The Holy Messenger (peace be upon him and his family) is narrated to have said, "An offspring of Adam has not filled a container worse than his stomach, and if he must do so, then one third is for his food, one third is for his drink, and one third is for his self (not to fill)."

The Prophet is also narrated to have said, "Eating little is the (true) worship." Some meanings behind this are that when one tames his/her desire to eat, it also helps in controlling other desires. Generally speaking, when one teaches him-/herself to say "No" in response to the vices of anger, desire, and imagination, the power of intellect becomes the true governor – allowing justice to be served.

Without a doubt, Muslims should strive to be up to par on the knowledge of what benefits or harms human beings from the physical aspect. Even more importantly, we should struggle to apply the principles which bring us closer to their Lord – in every aspect.


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