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'Her Prayer'
One day the Holy Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(S.A) was shown by her Father, The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf), a very special kind of Prayer. That he himself was shown earlier by The Trusted Archangel Jibrael(A.S).
This special After-Prayer is to be said after each time, any Prayer of Worship is concluded.
The Holy Lady (S.A) in turn began to teach the short Prayer to so many others. That in the very short time, it became to be known as the 'Prayer of Fatimah Al-Zahra(S.A).
The Prayer
Take any kind of Prayer Bead string, such as shown on the image below. The Prayer String should have a total of 99 beads, with two dividers and ahead called the Sheikh.
The Prayer Bead is taken by the left hand and with the index finger and tumb of the right hand draws each bead seperately one by one and saying the words as described below.
For first set of 33 beads plus counting the first divider. Hence totalling in all 34 beads. For each bead passed say the clearly the words to yourself:
ALLAHO AKBAR For each of the 34 beads seperately. For the next second set of 33 beads. For each bead passed say the clearly the words to yourself:
AL-HAMDU LE ALLAH For each of the 33 beads seperately. For the third set of 33 beads For each bead passed say the clearly the words to yourself:
SUBHANA LE ALLAH For each of the 33 beads separately.
Totalling 100 beads
That concludes the Prayer of the Holy Infallible Lady of all women, in all of the worlds and in all of the Seven Heavens, The Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(S.A)
Most or if not all of the Mujtahideen express a great Mustahab (preferable) as near to as Wajib (compulsory) to say this Prayer after any Prayer of Worship is concluded.
Many Muslims carry with them at all times the Prayer Bead String so that they can recite this prayer numerously at any time of the day and night. Especially at times when one has nothing to do such as waiting or sitting around lazily.
So think about it! What better way of filling your spare and idle time than to quietly recite this small Prayer to yourself in the rememberance and in thankfulness of Allah your Creator and Master. And in return Allah will reward His untold Thawaab and A'jar(reward)!
Thus it is good to always recite, in One's idle times. For it keeps the mind away from straying into troubled terrain. But to keep it travelling on the true and right track of good and steer away from evil with its untold mischievoius wicked thoughts and ideas etc.
Her Sacred Life
The most predominant view in the traditions transmitted by our traditionists is that Fatimah az-Zahra(S.A) was born in Mecca, on the twentieth of Jumada 'l-Akhir, in the fifth year of the Prophet's apostolic career. It is also asserted that when the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) died, Fatimah(A.S) was eighteen years and seven months old.
The scholar Abu Said al-Hafiz relates in his book Sharafu'n-Nabiyy that all the children of the Messenger of Allah were born before Islam except Fatimah and Ibrahim, who were born in Islam.
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