Saturday, 8 December 2012


Imam Sajjad ( Ali ibn Husayn entitled Zayn al-abidin and Sajjad ) was the son of the third Imam , and his wife , the queen among women , the daughter of Yazdigird the king of Iran . He was the only son of Imam Husayn to survive, for his other three brothers Ali Akbar , aged twenty-five , five year old Ja'far and Ali Asghar ( or Abdullah ) who was a suckling baby , were martyred during the event of Karbala . 

The Imam had also accompanied his father on the journey that terminated fatally in Karbala, but because of severe illness and the inability to carry arms or participate in fighting he was prevented from taking part in the holy war and being martyred . So he was sent with the womenfolk to Damascus . After spending a period in imprisonment he was sent with honor to Medina because Yazid wanted to conciliate public opinion . But for a second time , by the order of the Umayyad caliph , Abd al-Malik , he was chained and sent from Medina to Damascus and then again returned to Medina.

The Lonely Imam
The fourth Imam , upon returning to Medina , retired from public life completely, closed the door of his house to strangers and spent his time in worship . He was in contact only with the elite among the Shi'ites such as Abu Hamzah Thumali , Abu Khalid Kabuli and the like . The elite disseminated among the Shi'ah the religious sciences they learned from the Imam . In this way Shi'ism spread considerably and showed its effects during the imamate of the fifth Imam . 

Among the works of the fourth Imam is a book called Sahifah sajjadiyah. It consists of fifty-seven prayers concerning the most sublime Divine sciences and is known as 'The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet'. The fourth Imam died ( according to some Shi'ite traditions poisoned by Walid ibn Abd al-Malik through the instigation of the Umayyad caliph Hisham ) in 95/712 after thirty-five years of imamate.
Dec 9, '12 2:14 AM
for everyone


   My Lord!
*Thy bounty which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
*Thy generosity which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
*Thy cover over me through Thy clemency - - tear it not away!
*My ugly acts which Thou hast come to know - - forgive them!

My Lord!
*I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, and
*I seek sanctuary in Thee from Thee!
*I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy        kindness, …
*So act toward me with the forgiveness and mercy of which Thou     art worthy!
*Act not toward me with the chastisement and vengeance of which    I am worthy!
* By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!

O Lord!
Which person has come before Thee seeking hospitality, and You have not received him hospitably?  And who is the one who has dismounted at Thy door hoping for magnanimity, and to whom You have not shown it?

O Allah who is the asylum of every fleer, the hope of seekers!
O Best Object of hope! O Most Generous Aim for supplication!
O Allah who does not reject His asker or disappoint the expectant!
O Allah whose door is open to His supplicators and whose veil is lifted for those who hope in Him!

I ask Thee by Thy generosity to show kindness toward me through Thy gifts,
* with that which will give serenity to my soul, and
* through certainty with that which will make easy for me the   afflictions of this world, and
*life from my insight the veils of blindness!
By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!

Dec 9, '12 2:00 AM
for everyone

Imam 'Ali (A.S.) said: 

Surely, Allah has chosen for us followers (Shiites), who assist us and are happy at our happiness and are sad in our sadness.

Ghuraral‑Hikam vol. 1, pg.   135.

Imam 'Ali Ibn al‑Husain (A.S.) used to say:

Every Mu'min, whose eyes shed tears upon the killing of Husain Ibn 'Ali (A.S.) and his companions, such that the tears roll down his cheeks, Allah shall accommodate him in the elevated rooms of Paradise.

Yanaabe'al‑Mawaddah, pg.   419.

For those unable to go for the ziarat of Imam Husain (A.S.) on the day of A'ashura, Imam Baqir (A.S.) mentions the manner of performing A'zadari as follows:

He should mourn over Husain (A.S.), weep for him and instruct the members of the house to weep for him. He should establish the mourning ceremony in the house by exhibiting lamentations and grief over him; the people should meet one another in their homes and offer condolences and consolation to each other over the calamities which befell him.

Kaamil al‑Ziyaraat pg. 175

Imam Baqir (A.S.) said:

Amirul Mu'mineen (A.S.), along with two of his companions, happened to pass by Kerbala and as he did so, tears filled his eyes. He said (to them), "This is the resting place of their animals; and this is where their luggage shall be laid down; and it is here that their blood shall be shed. Blessed are you O' Earth, that the blood of the beloved shall be spilled upon you."

Bihar al Anwar, vol: 98 pg.   258.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

`As for A'li Ibn al‑Husain (A.S.), he cried over Husain (A.S.) for twenty years (after the tragedy of Kerbala); never would any food be placed before him except that he would begin to weep.

Bihar al Anwar, vol 46, pg. 108

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said to Fudhail:

Do you sit together, talk and discuss amongst yourselves? Fudhail replied: Yes. The Imam then said: I approve of these sittings. So keep our `issue' (Imamate) alive. May Allah exhibit mercy on those who revive our issue and mission!

Wasail al‑Shiah , vol. 10, pg.   391.

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:

O' Zurarah! The sky had cried for forty days over (the martyrdom of) Husain (A.S.)

Mustadrakal‑Wasail, vol 1 pg. 391

Imam Zainul Abideen (as) looked after about 100 families like this without them even knowing who it was that was helping them.
Imam Zainul Abideen (as) had a poor cousin. Imam Zainul Abideen (as) used to go to visit him every night and give him some money while he could not see Imam's face. That man used to say, "Imam Zainul Abideen (as) does not consider his poor family members; may Allah (SWT) punish him." Imam Zainul Abideen (as) heard these words many times and never said anything; he continued to be anonymous with his patience. After Imam's martyrdom, his cousin did not receive any charity and then realized that the generous man who used to help him was Imam Zainul Abideen (as). Thus, he went to Imam's cemetery and cried there.
Muhammad Is'haq narrates: Many of the poor citizens of Madinah had experienced the generosity and kindness of Imam Zainul Abideen (as). Yet, they never found out it was the Imam Zainul Abideen (as) as he would visit them during the nights, until Imam Zainul Abideen (as) passed away, and that anonymous man never came to them any more. It was then that they found out that that anonymous helper was Imam Zainul Abideen (as).
Abu Hamzah al-Thomali also narrates: During the night, Imam Zainul Abideen (as) would carry food on his shoulders for the poor and needy people. He would say, "Giving charity in secret will subside the anger of Allah (SWT)."
Ibn Sa'ad who died around 200 A.H. has narrated: There were many poor people who would come to the Imam Zainul Abideen (as) for help, and before they even asked for anything, the Imam Zainul Abideen (as) would give them what they wanted. Imam Zainul Abideen (as) would then say, "Giving charity is received by Allah (SWT) before it is received by the poor."
It was from the examples mentioned above that when the Imam Zainul Abideen (as) was martyred, and some were helping in washing his body (giving him Ghusl), they noticed the wounds on his shoulder and back. They asked about it, and found out that the wounds were the result of carrying the food for the poor.
Moral: When you do something good you should not tell everyone because Allah (SWT) can see and HE is the one who will give you reward (Thawab) for what you have done. In fact Allah (SWT) says that HE will give you more Thawab if you do good and do not tell anyone.

Refrain from lying in all things, big or small, in seriousness or in jest. For when one starts lying in petty matters, soon he will have the audacity to lie in important matters (also).

A man need not fear Allah except on account of his own sins, and should place his hopes only with his Lord. When about something one does not know, one should not be ashamed of having to learn about it. And patience is to faith what the head is to the body; one who does not have patience also lacks faith.

In both Sunni and Shi'ia Muslim tradition, one important event symbolizes the status of the ahl al-bayt and the human as well as spiritual dimensions of their relation to the Prophet. This is the tradition or episode of al-kisa' (the mantle, or cloak) which the Prophet spread over himself and Fatima his daughter, 'Ali, and their two sons Hasan and Husayn. This tradition has come down to us in a number of versions, each stressing one or another aspect of the excellences of the family of the Prophet and his love for them. Ahmad b. Hanbal relates on the authority of Umm Salama, the Prophet's wife, that he said to Fatima one day:
'Bring me your husband and two sons.' When they had all come together he spread over them a mantle, and laying his hand over them, he said: 'O God, these are the people of the House of Muhammad! Let therefore your prayers and blessings descend upon Muhammad and the people of the House of Muhammad; for you are worthy of all praise and glory.' Umm Salama continued: 'I then lifted the mantle to enter in with them, but he pulled it away from my hand saying, "You too shall come to a good end". 
The point which this version of the kisa' tradition emphasizes is that the ahl al-bayt are only the five: Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatima, and their two sons Hasan and Husayn. Umm Salama, one of the most highly venerated of the Prophet's wives, was denied this special status. We shall have more to say about this point, as it is emphasized in almost every version of this tradition.
In another highly interesting version of the kisa' tradition, related on the authority of 'Abd Allah b. Jafar b. Abi Talib, we read:
As the Apostle of God saw mercy descending, he demanded: 'Call them for me, call them for me!' Safiyya asked: 'Who should we call, O Messenger of God?' He answered: 'Call the people of my household: 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn.' When they were brought, he spread a mantle over them; then lifting his hands to heaven said: 'O God, these are the people of my House; bless, O God, Muhammad and the people of the House of Muhammad!' God then sent down the verse: Surely God wishes to remove all abomination from you, O People of the House, and purify you with a thorough purification
This version of the tradition provides the meaning of the kisa' and the basis of its significance. The mantle is a symbol of divine mercy and blessing covering the Prophet and his holy family. It is, moreover, a source or haven of consolation and serenity in the face of the great sufferings and martyrdom which the Prophet's family had to endure after him. In this infinite source of divine mercy, the pious also share in times of sufferings and afflictions. The kisa' finally sets apart the 'holy five' from the rest of the faithful, and distinguishes them from the rest of the Prophet's family.

Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) and Shia:
A group of people came to our 4th Imam, Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) saying that they were his Shia (followers).
"What do you do when you get something?" Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) asked them.
"We say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)]," they replied.
"What do you do when something is taken away from you?" Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) asked them.
"We lament a little and come to terms with it," they replied.
"What do you do when you do not receive anything?" Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) asked them further.
"Nothing," they replied.
"Even the dogs of Madinah do that." Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (as) said. "When they are given something (food), they wag their tails in thankfulness (Shukr). When something is taken away from them, they bark a little and walk away. When they do not get anything, they walk around the streets."
"Our Shia are those who say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)] when they receive something, when something is taken away and when they receive nothing." (Ahsanul Qasa)
Dec 9, '12 1:45 AM
for everyone

Imam Sajjad ('Ali ibn al-Husayn entitled Zaynu'l-'Abidin and Sajjad) was the son of the Third Imam and his wife, the queen among women, the daughter of Yazdgerd the King of Iran. He was the only son of Imam Husayn to survive, for his other three brothers 'Ali Akbar, aged twenty-five, five-year-old Ja'far and 'Ali al-Asghar (or 'Abdullah), who was a suckling baby, were martyred during the event of Karbala'. 

The Imam had also accompanied his father on the journey that terminated fatally in Karbala', but because of severe illness and the inability to carry arms or participate in fighting he was prevented from taking part in the holy war and being martyred. So he was sent with the women folk to Damascus. After spending a period in imprisonment he was sent with honour to Medina because Yazid wanted to conciliate public opinion. But for a second time, by the order of the Umayyad caliph, 'Abdu 'l-Malik, he was chained and sent from Medina to Damascus and then again returned to Medina. 

The Fourth Imam, upon returning to Medina, retired from public life completely, closed the door of his house to strangers and spent his time in worship. He was in contact only with the elite among the Shi'ites such as Abu Hamzah ath-Thumali, Abu Khalid Kabuli and the like. The elite disseminated among the Shi'ah, the religious sciences they learned from the Imam. In this way Shi'ism spread considerably and showed its effects during the Imamate of the Fifth Imam. 

Among the works of the Fourth Imam is a book called Sahifah Sajjadiyyah. It consists of fifty-seven prayers concerning the most sublime Divine sciences and is known as "The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet." The Fourth Imam died (according to some Shi'ite traditions poisoned by al-Walid ibn 'Abdi 'l-Malik ibn Marwan through the instigation of the Umayyad caliph Hisham) in 95/712 after thirty-five years of Imamate.

Syed Nasir Jahan’s soulful recitation of 
written by:Aal’e Raza Marhoom
Salam qaak nasheenoun pah soghwaroun ka Ghareeb detey hain pursa tumhare pyaroun ka
Salam un pah jinhe sharm khaye jaati hae 
Khule saroun pah aseeri ki qaak aati hae
Salam us pah joh zehmat kashe salasil hae 
Museebatoun mein imaamat ki pehli manzil hae
Salam bhejtey hain apni shahzadi par 
Ke jisko soump gaye marte waqt ghar Sarwar
Musafirat ne jise bebasi yeh dikhlaayi 
Nisaar kar diye bachhe na bach saka bhayi
Aseer hoke jise shaamiyoun ke narghe mein 
Hussainiyat hae sikhana Ali ke lehje mein
Sakina bibi tumhare ghulam haazir hain 
Bujhe joh pyaas toh ashkoun ke jaam haazir hain
Pahaad raat badi der hae saverey mein 
Kahan ho shaame ghareeban ke ghup andheray mein
Zameene garm yateemi ki saqtiyaan bibi 
Woh seena jis pah ke so-ti thi ab kahan bibi
Yeh sin yeh hashr yeh sadmay naye naye bibi 
Kahan pa baithi ho qaime toh jal gaye bibi
Janab maadarey besheer ko bhi sab ka salaam 
Ajeeb waqt hae kya dein tassaliyoun ka payaam
Abhi kaleje mein ek aag si lagi hogi 
Abhi toh goadh ki garmi na kam huvi hogi
Na is tarah koi kheti hari bhari ujdey 
Tumhari maang bhi ujdi hae goadh bhi ujdi
Nahin andheray mein kuch soojhta kahaan dhoondein 
Tumhara chand kahan chup gaya kahan dhoondein
Nahin layeenoun mein insaan koyi Quda hafiz 
Darinde aur yeh bewaarisi Quda hafiz
Salam tum par shaheedon ke bekafan laasho 
Salam turn pah rasool-o-Batool ke pyaaro
Bachein toh aglay baras hum hain aur yeh gham phir hae 
Jo chal basein toh yeh apna salaame aaqir hae
Salam e Akhir written By Aal’e Raza Marhoom.


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