The Covenant of Brotherhood |
During the annual celebration of Eid al-Ghadeer, it is customary for believers to engage in a "covenant of brotherhood."
They interlock right hands and say the following:
"I hereby make you my brother/sister for God's sake; I hereby choose you for God's sake; I hereby take your hand for God's sake. And I make a covenant before God, his angels, his scriptures, his messengers, his prophets, and his immaculate imams, that if I am judged to be among the denizens of paradise, worthy of intercession, and am given permission to enter paradise, I shall not enter it unless you are with me."
The other person should then say,
"I accept your covenant, and I relieve you of all the responsibilities of brotherhood except that you must intercede on my behalf before God, you must pray for me, and you must visit me."
The Rituals of the Day
There are numerous a'amal to be performed during this blessed day, including:
1. Observe fasting on this day, as it erases the sins of sixty years. It has also been narrated that it is equal to fasting for one's whole lifetime and is equal to the rewards of one hundred performances of Hajj and `Umrah.
2. Perform ghusl.
3. Recite the following three ziyaraat:
5. Pray the first of two special two rakat prayers ( details)
6. Pray the second of two special two rakat prayers ( details)
7. When greeting fellow believers, recite the special greeting.
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