1 - Abul Hasan Ahmad b. `Isa b. Ahmad b. [`Ali b. Husayn b.] `Ali b. Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib [a] narrated to us, he said: Abu `Abdillah Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Asbat narrated to us, he said: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ziyad al-Qataan narrated to us, he said: Abul Teeb b. Muhammad b. `Abdullah narrated to us, he said: `Isa b. Ja`far b. Muhammad b. `Abdullah b. Muhammad b. `Umar b. `Ali b. Abi Talib [a] narrated to us from his father, from `Umar b. `Ali, from his father `Ali b. Abi Talib [a], who said:
The Prophet [s] said: Tawhid is (to know that) His (Allah's) apparentness is in His hiddenness, and His hiddenness in His aparentness. His apparentness are qualities that cannot be seen, and His hiddenness exists without being concealed. He is sought in all places, and no place is vacant from Him for (even) the blinking of an eye. He is present without being limited, and concealed without being absent.
2 - Abul Hasan Muhammad b. Sa`id b. `Aziz al-Samarqandi, the faqih from Balkh, narrated to us, he said: Abu Ahmad al-Zahid al-Samarqandi narrated to us from his chain that rises to (Imam Ja`far) al-Sadiq [a] that a man asked him, and he [a] replied to him:
Indeed the foundation of religion is Tawhid and `Adl and an abundance of knowledge regarding them. And there is no excuse for a man of intellect from it (gaining knowledge of Tawhid and `Adl). So attain from it what is easy for you to understand well and are able to memorize.
He [a] then said: As for Tawhid, indeed it is that you do not conceive about your Lord what is conceivable about you. And as for `Adl, it is that you do not attribute to your Creator what is blameworthy for you (to do so).
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