Saturday, 8 September 2012

Hatred and animosity

Hatred and animosity

Hiqd (hatred) and Keeneh (animosity) are two sins of the soul which sprout from envy and anger. They have been censured in verses and narrations. Man, sometimes, cultivates hatred and animosity toward the Lord and sometimes toward His creation. Regarding the first kind the Holy Quran says: And they denied them unjustly and proudly while their soul had been convinced of them; consider, then how was the end of the mischief-makers. And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! they are joyful.

That is the reward of the enemies of Allah — the fire; for them therein shall be the house of long abiding; a reward for their denying Our communications.

Whoever thinks that Allah will not assist him in this life and the hereafter, let him stretch a rope to the ceiling, then let him cut it off, then let him see if his struggle will take away that at which he is enraged. And in the matter of Hiqd and Keenah for the servants of God, the author of Majmaul Bayan says: Doubtlessly, anyone who considers a faithful his enemy because of the latters faith and who desires to harm him is a Al Kafir But if he has animosity for him due to something else then he is a Sinner.

In this connection the Holy Quran says: And those who come after them say: Our Lord! forgive us and those of our brethren who had precedence of us in faith, and do not allow any spite to remain in our hearts towards those who believe, our Lord! Surely Thou art Kind, Merciful. Narrations in Connection with Hiqd and Keenah The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: A believer is never hateful.

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) is recorded to have said: A faithful’s animosity or hatred is merely at the time of embroilment and when they get separated nothing remains in his heart but the hatred and animosity of an unbeliever is permanent. Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said: Keep away from animosity for others because enmity results in loneliness and in the exposition of man’s defects. Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) has said: Root out the evil from others heart by digging out the will from your own heart. That is, if you do not antagonise others will not antagonise you.

Islam has strongly recommended that if someone hurts you forgive him so that is this way animosity and hatred with be removed and difficulties coming in the way of the Islamic society will be rooted out and Muslims may be able to live peacefully and at ease with one another continuously. Of course it is necessary to remind that this recommendation is regarding the Muslims. Otherwise, in case of the disbelievers whose hearts are full of hatred and enmity for Muslims and who are always in await for a chance to hit the Muslims it is not practicable.

As the Holy Quran says: O you who believe! do not take for intimate friends from among others than your own people; they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you, if you will understand. Lo! you are they who will love them while they do not love you, and you believe in the Book in the whole of it; and when they meet you they say: We believe, and when they are alone, they bite the ends of their fingers in rage against you. Say: Die in your rage; surely Allah knows what is in the breasts. If good befalls you, it grieves them, and if an evil afflicts you, they rejoice at it; and if you are patient and guard yourselves, their scheme will not injure you in any way; surely Allah comprehends what they do.

A warning to the faithful

Almighty Allah cautions the believers in this verse that they should recognise their enemies and should not tell them their secrets. but, alas, many believers in the Quran have neglected this Quranic warning and consequently are suffering all these calamities. Now what troubles the Muslims societies are now facing is only the result of neglecting the Divine commandments. Until the Muslim states and rulers do not come to their senses and do not obey the Quranic commandments bad days will always await them.

As we see today, it is only the consequence of this disregard for the Divine orders and due to distancing themselves from the Quranic directives, that they have thrown themselves in the laps of world imperialism and Zionism. So they have been deprived of their natural resources. Let us hope that the day will soon arrive when they will come to their senses and will know their real enemies, who are the very enemies of Allah. Then only they will get up to retrieve their rights.



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