Bibi Sakina (A.S), the young Hashemite Princess
Bibi Sakina (A.S), the young Hashemite Princess
Name: Rukaiyya (also known as Sakina)
Father: Imam Husayn-bin-Ali-bin-Abu Talib (A.S)
Mother: Bibi Umm-e-Rubab (A.S)
Birth: 20th of Rajab
Death: 10th Safar, Damascus, Syria
In the Arab world, the youngest daughter of Imam Hussain(a.s.)(a.s.) is know as Bibi Rukkaya(a.s.) whereas she is know as Bibi Sakina)(a.s.) in rest of the Islamic World. We will refer to her as Bibi Sakina(a.s.).
Bibi Sakina (as) was the youngest daughter of Imam Husayn (A.S). Sakina is a derivative of “Sakoon” meaning “Peace”. Imam Husayn (A.S) used to pray for a daughter in his night prayers (Salatul Layl), a daughter who would give him peace, and Allah (SWT) granted him his wish and blessed him with Bibi Sakina (AS). Bibi Sakina (as) was the most Beloved Daughter of Imam Husayn (A.S) and She used to sleep on his chest most of the nights. She was a lively child, full of love and happiness. Being the Daughter of the Holy Imam (as), she was different from other children of her age in many ways. She was very religious and enjoyed reading the Holy Quran and never missed her Prayers. From a very early age, She took great care to make sure that her head and face were properly covered when in public.
Imam Husayn (A.S) was often heard saying, “A house without Sakina (A.S) would not be worth living in”. She always had a sweet and cheerful smile and a very friendly nature. Everyone loved Sakina (A.S).
Other children sought her company as much as the grown ups did. She was very generous and always shared whatever she had with others. Like any other four-five year old, when Bibi Sakina (as) went to bed at night she wanted to spend some time with her father. Imam Husayn (A.S) would tell her stories of the Prophets (A.S) and of the battles fought by her grandfather Imam Ali (A.S). She would rest her head on her Father’s chest and Imam Husayn (A.S) would not move from her until She fell asleep.
There was a special bond between Bibi Sakina (AS) and her paternal uncle, Hazrat Abbas bin Imam Ali (A.S). He loved Her more than he did his own children. If Sakina (AS) requested for anything, Hazrat Abbas (A.S) would not rest until he fulfilled her request. There was nothing that Hazrat Abbas (A.S) would not do to make Bibi Sakina (A.S) happy. During the journey from Madina to Mecca and then Mecca to Kerbala, Hazrat Abbas (A.S) was often seen riding up to the mehmil (a special saddle made for women) in which Bibi Sakina (A.S) sat to make sure that She had everything She wanted. Bibi Sakina (as) loved Her uncle just as much. While in Madina she would, several times a day, visit the house in which Hazrat Abbas (as) lived with his family and his mother, Ummul-Baneen (A.S).
Name: Rukaiyya (also known as Sakina)
Father: Imam Husayn-bin-Ali-bin-Abu Talib (A.S)
Mother: Bibi Umm-e-Rubab (A.S)
Birth: 20th of Rajab
Death: 10th Safar, Damascus, Syria
In the Arab world, the youngest daughter of Imam Hussain(a.s.)(a.s.) is know as Bibi Rukkaya(a.s.) whereas she is know as Bibi Sakina)(a.s.) in rest of the Islamic World. We will refer to her as Bibi Sakina(a.s.).
Bibi Sakina (as) was the youngest daughter of Imam Husayn (A.S). Sakina is a derivative of “Sakoon” meaning “Peace”. Imam Husayn (A.S) used to pray for a daughter in his night prayers (Salatul Layl), a daughter who would give him peace, and Allah (SWT) granted him his wish and blessed him with Bibi Sakina (AS). Bibi Sakina (as) was the most Beloved Daughter of Imam Husayn (A.S) and She used to sleep on his chest most of the nights. She was a lively child, full of love and happiness. Being the Daughter of the Holy Imam (as), she was different from other children of her age in many ways. She was very religious and enjoyed reading the Holy Quran and never missed her Prayers. From a very early age, She took great care to make sure that her head and face were properly covered when in public.
Imam Husayn (A.S) was often heard saying, “A house without Sakina (A.S) would not be worth living in”. She always had a sweet and cheerful smile and a very friendly nature. Everyone loved Sakina (A.S).
Other children sought her company as much as the grown ups did. She was very generous and always shared whatever she had with others. Like any other four-five year old, when Bibi Sakina (as) went to bed at night she wanted to spend some time with her father. Imam Husayn (A.S) would tell her stories of the Prophets (A.S) and of the battles fought by her grandfather Imam Ali (A.S). She would rest her head on her Father’s chest and Imam Husayn (A.S) would not move from her until She fell asleep.
There was a special bond between Bibi Sakina (AS) and her paternal uncle, Hazrat Abbas bin Imam Ali (A.S). He loved Her more than he did his own children. If Sakina (AS) requested for anything, Hazrat Abbas (A.S) would not rest until he fulfilled her request. There was nothing that Hazrat Abbas (A.S) would not do to make Bibi Sakina (A.S) happy. During the journey from Madina to Mecca and then Mecca to Kerbala, Hazrat Abbas (A.S) was often seen riding up to the mehmil (a special saddle made for women) in which Bibi Sakina (A.S) sat to make sure that She had everything She wanted. Bibi Sakina (as) loved Her uncle just as much. While in Madina she would, several times a day, visit the house in which Hazrat Abbas (as) lived with his family and his mother, Ummul-Baneen (A.S).
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